[Hyperledger Iroha] Query with Python library

Article content

How to execute a query using the Hyperledger Iroha Python library.

Try it

Try executing "Get Account Transactions" to get a list of transactions sent by the specified account.


Iroha's host name and private key are set in iroha_config.

The points are the following three. -Use "iroha.query" to create a query. (Update system uses "iroha.command") -Use "sign_query" for signature. (Update system uses "sign_transaction") -Use "send_query" to send a query. (Update system uses "send_tx")

Execution result

I was able to get the information of the transaction sent by the specified account. I set page_size to 10, but I didn't put much data on the blockchain, so I was able to get only 3 data.

query_hash: "a45f8b59aa211688836bb6567c10baf10e24dfdc9db6c62d3fc8a779200ee136"
transactions_page_response {
  transactions {
    payload {
      reduced_payload {
        commands {
          create_asset {
            asset_name: "samplecoin"
            domain_id: "test"
            precision: 10
        commands {
          add_asset_quantity {
            asset_id: "samplecoin#test"
            amount: "100000000"
        creator_account_id: "admin@test"
        created_time: 1594000825126
        quorum: 1
    signatures {
      public_key: "313a07e6384776ed95447710d15e59148473ccfc052a681317a72a69f2a49910"
      signature: "042b25c8096ca4bfcaca54d05c3d862498f38ddc612b0255138cc74044005d0475467176ef84672fd79b93714e8263e22aa867e7f8e22cf7eba06bb0e63e0b02"
  transactions {
    payload {
      reduced_payload {
        commands {
          transfer_asset {
            src_account_id: "admin@test"
            dest_account_id: "test@test"
            asset_id: "samplecoin#test"
            description: "test"
            amount: "10000"
        creator_account_id: "admin@test"
        created_time: 1594002435597
        quorum: 1
    signatures {
      public_key: "313a07e6384776ed95447710d15e59148473ccfc052a681317a72a69f2a49910"
      signature: "f147a7e1c1604a3172efa91e4604fd4bfff728fe0d8d4c644e7d3a0d65ee4f3d2436ad9a26bc9777b0de514f120ed6b4d83a5410cbc097a281a5a588702d4d06"
  transactions {
    payload {
      reduced_payload {
        commands {
          create_account {
            account_name: "iroha"
            domain_id: "test"
            public_key: "efdc215eab6dd2c4435d370da73e4b88350e1fed9d39afed503fcbee985fce1f"
        creator_account_id: "admin@test"
        created_time: 1594016319157
        quorum: 1
    signatures {
      public_key: "313a07e6384776ed95447710d15e59148473ccfc052a681317a72a69f2a49910"
      signature: "429bf3ae70b60d31ab3fc3c15fa11cb8155b6a824f831652c1c46068feaeb866846b8048e0959cbcbeed532423f050e77d2fe192ea90d0827a6f1489bf67ec0a"
  all_transactions_size: 3

Related article

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I tried using the Iroha library. Other queries will work if you change the name of the query to be executed or change the parameters.

As long as you look at the Iroha query, you can easily get "who" and "what", but It seems that there is no query that tells "for which asset", "who", and "what".

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