Sequential search with Python

Sequential search

Sequential search is a search that searches for what you want to search from the beginning, and ends when it is found.

It also serves as a practice for function definition.


# coding: UTF-8

def giiko_search(TargetValue, List): #(Search value,Search target)
    #Confirm that the second argument is a list type
    if isinstance(List, list) == False: 
        print 'The argument is not a list'
        return 0
    #Make sure the List is not empty
    if len(List) == 0:
        print 'It's an empty list'
        return 1

    #look for
    for i in range(len(List)):
        if List[i] == TargetValue:
            print str(i+1) + 'In the second' + str(TargetValue) + 'Kakunin! Was good'
            return 2

    print 'I couldn't find it'
    return 3

List = ['Fred', 'Alex', 'Diana', 'Byron', 'Carol']
giiko_search('Diana', List)

Execution result

in operator

The answer-matching Wikipedia is easier. It was introduced.


def search(list, x):
    return x in list

The point is the in operator, which is True if the left x is included in the right list, False if it is not. Seems to return. In other words, search (list, x) is a function that returns two values, "yes" and "no".

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