Run Python with VBA

Being able to read this article

  1. You will be able to start ** Command Prompt ** with ** Excel VBA **
  2. You will be able to execute ** Python ** from ** Excel VBA **

Launch a command prompt in Excel VBA

Start the command prompt with the code below and You can run Python.

    Dim suji1    As String
    Dim suji2    As String
    Dim WSH
    Dim wExec
    Dim cmd_str    As String
    suji1 = Range("D4").Value ''Get numbers from cells
    suji2 = Range("D5").Value
    Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    py_file = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
    cmd_str = "python " & py_file & " " & suji1 & " " & suji2
    cmd_str = Replace(cmd_str, "\", "/")
    Set wExec = WSH.Exec("%ComSpec% /c " & cmd_str)
    Do While wExec.Status = 0
    Range("D6").Value = Val(wExec.StdOut.ReadAll) ''Receive results from Python

    Set wExec = Nothing
    Set WSH = Nothing


    ''Object creation
    Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    ''Python file path to run
    py_file = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
    ''Command creation
    cmd_str = "python " & py_file & " " & suji1 & " " & suji2
    cmd_str = Replace(cmd_str, "\", "/")
    ''Command execution
    Set wExec = WSH.Exec("%ComSpec% /c " & cmd_str)

With this, you can easily start the command prompt and You can start Python.

    ''Command creation
    cmd_str = "python " & py_file & " " & suji1 & " " & suji2

suji1 and suji2 are arguments. So you can get the value from the cell etc. and pass it.

Actually move

If you enter any value in number 1 and number 2, it will be calculated and output to the answer. スクリーンショット (3).png

By the way, Python is such a code.

import sys

def sum(suji1, suji2):
    return suji1 + suji2

if __name__ == "__main__":
    argv = sys.argv
    suji1 = str(argv[1])
    suji2 = str(argv[2])

    total = sum(suji1, suji2)


When executed, it looks like this. スクリーンショット (5).png


This time I started Python with VBA, but since I am actually running it using the command prompt I feel that I can do more if I apply it. Also, I will update it if I learn.

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