Handling yaml with python


How to write in block style when handling yaml in python Use PyYAML

Read / write

Suppose you have a yaml file like this

test1: test
test2: test

It can be read in dictionary type as shown below.

>>> import yaml
>>> f = open("test.yml", "r+")
>>> data = yaml.load(f)
>>> data
{'test1': 'test', 'test2': 'test'}

When writing, write with dump () as follows.

>>> data
{'test1': 'test', 'test2': 'test'}
>>> f.write(yaml.dump(data))
>>> f.close()

Looking at the written test.yml, it looks like the following, which is not as expected. Very hard to see.

test1: test
test2: test
{test1: test, test2: test}

Write in block style

To write in block style instead of flow style, set default_flow_style = False atdump ().

>>> f.write(yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False))
test1: test
test2: test
test1: test
test2: test

It's as expected.

Write using OrderedDict

When converting an instance object to yaml with dump (), there is a problem that the tag of the instance object is output. For example, Ordered Dict that is How to change the behavior when loading / dumping yaml with PyYAML and its details .


http://gihyo.jp/dev/serial/01/yaml_library/0003 http://blog.panicblanket.com/archives/1076

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