Blender may be operated with a mouse in most cases, but running it with python saves a lot of trouble. To write the code, select Scripting → Text Editior
bpy.ops.object.mode_set (mode ='OBJECT', toggle = False) #Object mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set (mode ='EDIT', toggle = False) # Edit mode. Basically, operations such as rotation are set to EDIT mode.
bpy.ops.transform.resize (value = (x, y, z)) # 1 or above will expand
bpy.ops.transform.rotate (value = 0, axis = (x, y, z)) # value = amount of rotation
obj = bpy.context.edit_object # Put in edit mode me = # Get data bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) for i, f in enumerate (bm.faces): # Process by face (i is the order of faces) = False #False deselects the face, if True, edit
bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me, True)
If you move the cursor over it, it will appear, so you can refer to it.
Official API documentation on how to use arguments
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