I tried to make a todo application using bottle with python

The python version you are using is 3.6 It's a memorandum of my own, but I'd be happy if you could give me some advice.

Source code


from bottle import run,route,template,redirect,request,post
import sqlite3

def index():
    todo_list = get_todo()
    return template("index",todo_list=todo_list)

def enter():
    #Todo to database_write list
    #return todo
    return redirect("/")

def delete():


    delete="delete from todo_list where todo='{0}'".format(request.POST.getunicode("finished"))
    return redirect("/")

#Todo to database_save list
def save_todo(todo):
    conn= sqlite3.connect('todo.db')
    c= conn.cursor()
    insert="insert into todo_list(todo) values('{0}')".format(todo)

#Database todo_read list
def get_todo():
    conn= sqlite3.connect('todo.db')
    c= conn.cursor()
    select="select * from todo_list"
    row = c.fetchall()
    return row


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="jp">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>To Do App</title>
    <h1>Welcome to ToDo list</h1>

    <form name="todo" method="POST" action="/enter">
        <input type="text" name="todo_list"  required /><br/>
        <input type="submit" value="add to" />

    <form method="POST" action="/delete">
      % for todo in todo_list:
      <input type="checkbox" name="finished"value="{{todo[0]}}">{{todo[0]}}<br>
      % end
      <input type="submit" value="Clear checked list">



It was my first time to create a web application, so I had a lot of trouble. Also, since the degree of completion is still low, I will continue to improve it. In particular, I haven't done any design, so I hope I can make it look cool.

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