I tried using a database (sqlite3) with kivy

I tried using the database (sqlite3) with __kivy __

I tried using sqlite3 for the first time, so make a note of it.

A simple sample is below. Basically, when learning a new thing (framework), I try to create my ***. Py or one file for each function.


from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput
from kivy.storage.jsonstore import JsonStore

from datetime import datetime
import sqlite3

class MyStorageApp(App):

    conn = sqlite3.connect("./data.db")
    cur = conn.cursor()

    mydata = JsonStore('./mydata.json')

    countnum = 0

    def gettime(self):
        return str(datetime.now())

    def getData(self):
        self.entry = self.mydata.get('data')


# layout
    def build(self):

        layout = BoxLayout(padding=10, orientation='vertical')
        btn1 = Button(text="PUSH")

        self.lbl1 = Label(text = "count is "+str(self.countnum))
        self.lbl2 = Label(text = self.now)


        return layout

# button click function
# "bind" need "instance" arg (this case is "btn" arg)
    def buttonClicked(self,btn):
        self.countnum += 1
        self.lbl1.text = "count is " +str(self.countnum)

        self.now= self.gettime()

        self.lbl2.text = self.now

            self.cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE times(time text, count int);""")

        self.cur.execute('''INSERT INTO times VALUES(:time, :count)''',{'time':self.now,'count':self.countnum})

        self.cur.execute("select * from times")
        for row in self.cur:
            print row[0],row[1]
            self.mydata.put('data', mytime=row[0],mycount=row[1])



# run app
if __name__ == "__main__":

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