I tried using Amazon Glacier

Back up using amazon-glacier-cmd-interface

install boto

$ pip install boto

Create a configuration file for use with boto


aws_access_key_id = YOURACCESSKEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOURSECRETKEY

Install amazon-glacier-cmd-interface

$ git clone https://github.com/uskudnik/amazon-glacier-cmd-interface
$ cd amazon-glacier-cmd-interface
$ python setup.py install

Create an Amazon SimpleDB domain

Glacier manages files by ID, so you don't know which ID is which file.

Therefore, use SimpleDB to associate the file name with the ID.

Since SimpleDB is only operated from API, create a domain from a script


#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

import boto.sdb

def main():
    conn = boto.sdb.connect_to_region('ap-northeast-1')
    if conn is None:
        #If None, the region name is misconfigured.
        print 'Invalid Region.'

    # "jp.mursts.sdb.glacier_backup"Create a domain named
    print conn.get_all_domains()

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ create_sdb_domain.py

Create a configuration file for use with amazon-glacier-cmd-interface


region=ap-northeast-1 #Tokyo region
bookkeeping-domain-name=jp.mursts.sdb.glacier_backup #SimpleDB domain name

Create a vault

Create a Vault with the name "Test"

$ glacier-cmd mkvault Test

Upload file

$ glacier-cmd upload Test /path/to/archive

View the list of uploaded archives

Here, the information saved in SimpleDB is acquired.

$ glacier-cmd search Test

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