I tried using "Anvil".

After studying Python and completing all the Django tutorials, I heard about a platform called "Anvil" that allows you to create web applications, so I took a quick look at it.

Anvil anvil_toppage.png

For the time being, I have completed the three tutorials of "Start Here". I think it takes about 4 to 5 hours in total. Anvil/Learn Centre/Start Here

--Bad point --Tutorials & documents are all in English. ――The English grammar at the junior high school level and the translation extension function of the browser are quite good to some extent, but it is a little painful if you are not good at it. ――Since there are many videos and capture screens, you may be able to do it even if you can't read English.

--People who can recommend --People who can't / are not good at screen design with HTML / CSS. ――Is it possible to study Python and do something with Python? , And those who are looking for it. ――A person who is studying programming and enjoys "something moves".

It seems that it can be used firmly, but I felt that it would be easy for people who are not so to handle it, so I thought that the frontage was wide, such as improving the efficiency of daily office work and studying programming.

I'm sorry for the random sentence.

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