I tried asynchronous processing using asyncio


I didn't have a good sample code for ʻasyncio`, but On-demand data in Python, Part 3 Coroutines and asyncio -on-demand-data-python-3 / index.html) explained with a more specific story that the waiter in the restaurant handles multiple orders, so it is the easiest to understand and helpful. .. Frequently seen Understanding async / await in python3 and [Asynchronous processing in Python: asyncio reverse lookup](https://qiita.com/icoxfog417/ Better than items / 07cbf5110ca82629aca0).

development of

import asyncio
import time

async def start_time(src):
	await asyncio.sleep(src)

async def main_process(span):
	idx = 1
	while True:
		await asyncio.sleep(span)
		num_active_tasks = len([ task for task in asyncio.Task.all_tasks(loop) if not task.done()])
		if num_active_tasks == 1:
		print("[run:{}]{}Seconds have passed".format(num_active_tasks, idx * span))
		idx += 1

async def end_time(src):
	await asyncio.sleep(src)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

The point of interest is len([ task for task in asyncio.Task.all_tasks(loop) if not task.done()]) You can get the currently resident task by doing ʻasyncio.Task.all_tasks (loop) if not task.done () `.


The output result is as follows. If only the main process is running, it is out of the loop.

[run:3]1 second has passed
[run:3]2 seconds have passed
[run:3]3 seconds have passed
[run:3]4 seconds have passed
[run:3]5 seconds have passed
[run:3]6 seconds have passed
[run:3]7 seconds have passed
[run:3]8 seconds have passed
[run:3]9 seconds have passed
[run:2]10 seconds have passed
[run:2]11 seconds have passed
[run:2]12 seconds have passed
[run:2]13 seconds have passed
[run:2]14 seconds have passed
[run:2]15 seconds have passed
[run:2]16 seconds have passed
[run:2]17 seconds have passed
[run:2]18 seconds have passed
[run:2]19 seconds have passed

in conclusion

ʻAsyncio.Task.all_tasks () is deprecated in Python 3.7 and later and will be removed in 3.9. Especially in the part of ʻasyncio, the writing style seems to change considerably every time the version goes up. (See Python3.8 doc Task Object)

Referenced link

-Python3.6 doc 18.5.3. Tasks and coroutines -On-demand data in Python, Part 3 Coroutines and asyncio -Understanding async / await for python3 -Asynchronous processing in Python: asyncio reverse lookup reference

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