I tried using Slack emojinator


A story about automating emoji registration to slack.

Install Slack emojinator

https://github.com/smashwilson/slack-emojinator As written here.

git clone https://github.com/smashwilson/slack-emojinator.git
cd slack-emojinator
pip install -r requirements.txt

Preparation for registering multiple emojis


I just received such a request, so I tried it.

Get session cookies

  1. Open the emoji page of ssmjp
  2. Launch Developer Tools (F12 for Chrome Windows) and open the Network tab
  3. Reload the emoji page
  4. Press the item whose "name" is "emoji"
  5. Select "Headers" from the newly opened tab
  6. Copy the contents of "Cookie" from "Request Headers"
cp .env.sample .env
vim .env


export SLACK_TEAM=ssmjp
export SLACK_COOKIE="(Enclose it in double quotes and paste it all)"
export SLACK_API_TOKEN=  #It remains empty here
export EMOJI_DIR=

First, register one

wget http://cultofthepartyparrot.com/parrots/parrot.gif

source .env


python upload.py parrot.gif
Processing parrot.gif.

Uploaded 1 emojis. (0 already existed)

You have now added an emoji called `` `: parrot: ```.

Register all

gif image acquisition

git clone https://github.com/jmhobbs/cultofthepartyparrot.com


cd cultofthepartyparrot.com/parrots
for f in * ; do mv "$f" "parrot_$f" ; done



export EMOJI_DIR=../cultofthepartyparrot.com/parrots
source .env
python upload.py ${EMOJI_DIR}/*.gif

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