I tried using Rotrics Dex Arm

I had a chance to touch Rotrics DexArm at work, so I made a note. It's full of amateurs, so I'd be happy if you could point it out m (_ _) m

First of all, I tried to download Rotrics Studio to my Mac and use it, but it doesn't recognize the main unit connected via USB. Maybe you need VCP drivers? I tried to install it, but I couldn't enable it either and gave up (a problem with my MacBook Pro). There seems to be no Linux version of Studio yet. SDK seems to be still under development and nothing ...

It can be moved from the attached controller, so you can play for the time being, but this is a free and expensive radio control model.

So, the strategy is to change the route a little and pour GCode through serial communication. This time, I prepared Raspberry Pi as a Linux machine. Connect the included USB cord and use the lsusb command to see that the device is recognized!

STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port

--Reference: USB for Linux

You can connect as follows with the Screen command.

screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200

Since there is no echo back, it is a little difficult to use (is there a setting method ??).

Python's serial module is useful for working together.

import serial
s = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyACM0",115200)
#Arm in initial position
#Setting the operating speed(Is 8000 the maximum? ??)
s.write(b'G0 F 8000\n')
#Move the arm to the specified coordinates
s.write(b'G0 X150 Y0 Z100\n')
s.write(b'G0 X0 Y300 Z0\n')
s.write(b'G0 X0 Y-300 Z0\n')

Occasionally, it stops in the middle of the operation, and I put a wait until the end of the script to deceive it. Perhaps it should be executed sequentially while waiting for a response from the DexArm side? I feel like it.

It's a very attractive product, but I thought it would be nice if a library that could be controlled more easily came out.

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