I tried spleeter

** Introduction **

I was looking for a tool that could separate the vocals and instruments of a song for lip sync I found out that a tool called spleeter was recently released and tried it immediately.

** Preparation **

Install spleeter using pip.

pip install spleeter

I've tried

It seems that this is enough if you just push the song and separate it. If there is no description of ʻif name =='main'` due to using multiprocessing It seems to loop forever. (I left it spinning for about an hour without noticing it ↓ ↓ ↓)

from spleeter.separator import Separator

def test():
    separator = Separator('spleeter:2stems')
    separator.separate_to_file(r"Music file path", r"Destination directory")

if __name__ == '__main__':

** Impression **

It can be separated quite nicely. There are some places that can't be separated, but I wonder if it can be helped ~ It feels good. It seems that various parameters can be adjusted.

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