[I tried] Nand2 Tetris Chapter 6

Last time (Nand2Tetris Chapter 5 Part 2) is a continuation.

I used it as a reference. Alone Nand2Tetris / Hiraku

The following are topics to be learned while actually moving hands in this book. * hardware * Architecture * operating system * Programming language * Compiler * Data structures and algorithms * Software engineering <-now
I wrote it in the footer, but it took 11 hours and 30 minutes. I worked hard. # Chapter 6 Assembler The second half of this book from here. The first half was hardware, but the second half seems to be software.

I wrote something like an impression in the comment out. just a little. I think it took an hour to recognize the constructor as __init__. .. .. It took me a while to realize the concept of creating a class. I haven't written such a code for a while, so

I couldn't remember the basic code, so it's fine I searched for something like "Python string replacement".

input("plz_input:", filename)

I was also doing strange things like this. Even though it's Python. memo

-** Symbol ** In the assembly world, instead of the commands LOAD, R3, 7, GOTO, 250, you can use symbols to write LOAD, R3, weight, GOTO, LOOP. However, what LOOP indicates must be set. Setting method -** Variable ** You don't have to worry about the actual memory address because the converter sets it automatically. -** Label ** The beginning of the code area can be set using a label such as LOOP.

  i = 1
  sum = 0
  if i = 101 goto END
  sum = sum + i
  goto LOOP
  goto END //Infinitely loop the computer and end execution
Symbol name Address name
i 1024
sum 1025

To convert these to code without symbols

Code that performed symbol resolution

M[1024] = 1
M[1025] = 0
if M[1024] = 101 goto 6
M[1025] = M[1025] + M[1024]
M[1024] = M[1024] + 1
goto 2
goto 6

This method should note the following -Only up to 1024 program codes can be stored. -The memory area of source commands and variables is all expressed by one word. In the case of a converter as well, it is necessary to design in consideration of the word width of the variable.

-** Assembler ** Write a program that performs the following processing with reference to the machine language specifications --Parsing the assembly command and splitting it into basic areas --Generate corresponding machine language bits in each area -Replace symbolic references with numeric memory addresses (if needed) --Combine binary code for each region

End of script - Comparison ended succesfully

It took 11 hours and 30 minutes. Progress repository_GitHub

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