I tried to get a database of horse racing using Pandas


I was interested in it as a data analysis theme, so I tried it.

The site I referred to is here.

Flow to horse racing prediction

If you want to build a predictive model from scratch, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Scraping data from horse racing site
  2. Data preprocessing
  1. Divide into training data and test data
  2. Model building
  1. Predict the race you want to predict

This time, I will briefly summarize the scraping related items in 1.

About scraping

net.keiba.com I scraped from this site.

important point

Retrieving a large amount of data at one time puts a load on the server. By inserting time.sleep (1), it waits when requesting race_id_list every second. It is etiquette to reduce the server load by this.

import pandas pd
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
import time

def scrape_race_results(race_id_list):
    for race_id in tqdm(race_id_list):
            url = 'https://db.netkeiba.com/race/'+ race_id
            race_results[race_id]= pd.read_html(url)[0]
        except IndexError:
    return race_results

Put the race you want to check in this race_id. For example, suppose you have an ID of 202009020611. this is,

2020 → Number of years
09 → Location(If it is 09, it is Hanshin, if it is 10, it is Kokura, etc.)
02 → month
06 → Sun
11 → Number of races

Is shown.

You can see it in this way as a trial.


We will analyze the data using basic pandas. For peace of mind, save it as a pickle file and csv.

Assuming that the acquired data is stored in resluts_new, it will be as follows.


At the end

We have summarized the data acquisition method easily.

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