A memorandum when I tried to get it automatically with selenium


I created an application to automatically get information about a certain site. https://github.com/jajaja12345-code I will write it as a memorandum of what I checked at that time.


There are multiple class names

When there is a space between the class names <p class = "servings_for yield"> When things like find_element_by_css_selector("servings_for yield") Then an error will occur. Therefore, write as follows find_element_by_css_selector(".servings_for.yield")

reference What to do when an error occurs because an element with a space cannot be acquired with by_class_name in selenium

Get multiple elements

Do it with find_elements. elements, not elements

reference [What to do when WebElement object is not iterable appears in selenium](http://www.asnm4.com/2018/11/selenium%E3%81%A7webelement-object-is-not-iterable%E3%81% 8C% E5% 87% BA% E3% 82% 8B% E3% 81% A8% E3% 81% 8D% E3% 81% AE% E5% AF% BE% E5% 87% A6% E6% 96% B9% E6% B3% 95 /)

Catch NoSuchElementException

Check if it exists with a try statement and catch NoSuchElementException with except (Multiple exceptions can be described)

reference Basics of Python and Selenium Python exception handling (try, except, else, finally)

Definition of processing that does nothing

Use pass statement

reference I want to define a function that does nothing

Set the waiting time until the element is found at once

driver.implicitly_wait(10) Wait 10 seconds to find each element of the driver.

reference [Python] implicitly_wait ... Set the waiting time until the specified driver element is found


I want to be able to input from my smartphone.

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