I compared the speed of Hash with Topaz, Ruby and Python

I compared the speed of Hash using Topaz, a rumored Ruby implementation that uses RPython to make it faster.

It has been pointed out that Ruby's Hash is slower than other languages. It's said that larger sizes are slower than Perl and Python. (I forgot where the comparison with Perl was)

So, I made a comparison with a faint expectation that it would be faster if Topaz was used.

For the introduction of Topaz, I referred to Playing with Topaz, a Ruby processing system written in RPython-Gunara-kun's wktk management diary.

The code used for comparison can be found on Github. This time, I've cut corners and haven't averaged. As a reference value.

The environment is MacOS X 10.8.2 Intel Core i5 2.5GHz 8GB RAM


$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p362 (2012-12-25 revision 38607) [x86_64-darwin12.2.1]
$ python --version
Python 2.7.3
$ bin/topaz -v
topaz (ruby-1.9.3p125) [x86_64-darwin]

Sequential Hash creation speed

The unit is seconds

size Ruby1.9.3(int) Ruby1.9.3(string) topaz(int) topaz(string) Python2.7.3(int) Python2.7.3(string)
5000000 4.617856 8.087801 2.649405 11.485846 0.702034 2.473861
10000000 10.74621 19.092902 8.377534 36.823358 1.361577 5.112283
15000000 17.081968 29.101156 18.608418 80.467088 2.262289 8.392108
20000000 24.308324 39.974923 29.239815 129.432628 2.712998 10.639115
25000000 31.778632 51.38185 49.467747 303.785251 4.048304 15.097062
30000000 39.180657 60.673959 67.91127 342.049215 4.510771 17.036763

The graph looks like this. Creating Hash(int)

Creating Hash(string)

Well, Topaz isn't faster than I expected. .. ..

Lookup speed

The unit is seconds

size Ruby1.9.3(int) Ruby1.9.3(string) topaz(int) topaz(string) Python2.7.3(int) Python2.7.3(string)
5000000 0.600543 0.908508 0.442561 0.678826 0.164233 0.456206
10000000 0.631404 1.027941 0.49407 0.738537 0.165629 0.457019
15000000 0.665743 0.913473 0.585652 0.883217 0.157661 0.462758
20000000 0.72521 1.288778 0.599958 0.93315 0.19554 0.452863
25000000 0.561795 0.877556 0.780173 1.232231 0.163047 0.478319
30000000 0.657025 1.296413 0.783736 1.353858 0.160251 0.456952

Click here for the graph Lookup Hash(int)

Lookup Hash(string)

What I thought about doing

I'm looking forward to Topaz as it could be faster in the future, but at the moment

There are also various strict points such as. I look forward to future development.

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