Encrypt with Ruby (Rails) and decrypt with Python


To run backend tasks in Rails, Sidekiq, Resque, Delayed Job, Action Job are famous.

Since I mostly build Rails applications on AWS, I often let lambda handle backend tasks.

This time, I will write about how to get the encrypted character string on Rails side with lambda (python) and decrypt it.


It is like this.

Untitled presentation (1).png

The environment is rails 5.0.

Rails MessageEncryptor is now available for ActiveSupport to encrypt strings. There is. ** This cannot be used this time. **(I will explain later)

This time, I will encrypt it by myself and decrypt it.


module Encryptable
  SECRET = 'hogehogehogehogehogehogehogehoge'
  IV = 'hogehogehogehoge'
  CIP_NAME = 'aes-256-cbc'

  def encrypt(value)
    b64data = Base64::strict_encode64(value)
    cip = OpenSSL::Cipher.new(CIP_NAME)
    cip.key = SECRET
    cip.iv = IV
    encrypted = cip.update(b64data)
    encrypted << cip.final

  def decrypt(value)
    data = Base64::strict_decode64(value)
    cip = OpenSSL::Cipher.new(CIP_NAME)
    cip.key = SECRET
    cip.iv = IV
    decrypted = cip.update(data)
    decrypted << cip.final

Lambda side


import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

SECRET = 'hogehogehogehogehogehogehogehoge'
IV = 'hogehogehogehoge'

def decrypt(encrypted_value):
  data = base64.b64decode(encrypted_value)
  b64_decrypted_data = cip.decrypt(data)
  decrypted_data = base64.b64decode(b64_decrypted_data)
  return decrypted_data

MessageEncryptor cannot be used.

As you can see from the source of MessageEncryptor, Marshal is used for serialization. For this reason, type information etc. is added to the character string encrypted with MessageEncryptor by the marshalling method peculiar to ruby. It cannot be decrypted on the Python side.

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