Solving with Ruby, Perl, Java and Python AtCoder ATC 002 A


AtCoder Typical Contest (ATC) is a contest that asks typical questions in competitive programming. Thank you, AtCoder.

This theme

This theme, breadth-first search Ruby I think there are various differences between DFS (depth-first search) and BFS (breadth-first search), but here we will focus on the data flow.

Last in first out First in first out
data structure stack queue
Enter data push push
Extract data pop shift


r, c =
sy, sx =
gy, gx =
cm = + 1).map{ + 1, 0)}
1.upto(r) do |i|
  s = gets.chomp
  1.upto(c) do |j|
    cm[i][j] = -1 if s[j - 1] == '.'
que = []
cm[sy][sx] = 0
while que.size > 0
  y = que.shift
  x = que.shift
  if cm[y + 1][x] == -1
    cm[y + 1][x] = cm[y][x] + 1
    que.push(y + 1)
  if cm[y - 1][x] == -1
    cm[y - 1][x] = cm[y][x] + 1
    que.push(y - 1)
  if cm[y][x + 1] == -1
    cm[y][x + 1] = cm[y][x] + 1
    que.push(x + 1)
  if cm[y][x - 1] == -1
    cm[y][x - 1] = cm[y][x] + 1
    que.push(x - 1)
puts cm[gy][gx]

Push to que, shift, and turn while while until que is empty.

Add data to the end Extract the first data
push shift



I'm pushing the xy coordinates separately, but I think you can pass the entire array in the ~~ reference. It seems faster to use ~~ <<.


  if cm[y + 1][x] == -1
  if cm[y - 1][x] == -1
  if cm[y][x + 1] == -1
  if cm[y][x - 1] == -1

I check up, down, left and right, but depending on the question, it may be reduced to right and bottom only. Python

from collections import deque

r, c = map(int, input().split())
sy, sx = map(int, input().split())
gy, gx = map(int, input().split())
cm = [[0 for j in range(c + 1)] for i in range(r + 1)]
for i in range(1, r + 1):
    s = input()
    for j in range(1, c + 1):
        if s[j - 1] == ".":
            cm[i][j] = -1
que = deque([])
cm[sy][sx] = 0
while len(que) > 0:
    y = que.popleft()
    x = que.popleft()
    if cm[y + 1][x] == -1:
        cm[y + 1][x] = cm[y][x] + 1
        que.append(y + 1)
    if cm[y - 1][x] == -1:
        cm[y - 1][x] = cm[y][x] + 1
        que.append(y - 1)
    if cm[y][x + 1] == -1:
        cm[y][x + 1] = cm[y][x] + 1
        que.append(x + 1)
    if cm[y][x - 1] == -1:
        cm[y][x - 1] = cm[y][x] + 1
        que.append(x - 1)

For deque

Add data to the end Extract the first data
append popleft


chomp (my ($r, $c) = split / /, <STDIN>);
chomp (my ($sy, $sx) = split / /, <STDIN>);
chomp (my ($gy, $gx) = split / /, <STDIN>);
my @cm;
for my $i (1..$r) {
  chomp (my $s = <STDIN>);
  for my $j (1..$c) {
    $cm[$i][$j] = -1 if substr($s, $j - 1, 1) eq '.';
my @que;
push @que, $sy;
push @que, $sx;
$cm[$sy][$sx] = 0;
while(@que) {
  my $y = shift @que;
  my $x = shift @que;
  if ($cm[$y + 1][$x] == -1) {
    $cm[$y + 1][$x] = $cm[$y][$x] + 1;
    push @que, $y + 1;
    push @que, $x;
  if ($cm[$y - 1][$x] == -1) {
    $cm[$y - 1][$x] = $cm[$y][$x] + 1;
    push @que, $y - 1;
    push @que, $x;
  if ($cm[$y][$x + 1] == -1) {
    $cm[$y][$x + 1] = $cm[$y][$x] + 1;
    push @que, $y;
    push @que, $x + 1;
  if ($cm[$y][$x - 1] == -1) {
    $cm[$y][$x - 1] = $cm[$y][$x] + 1;
    push @que, $y;
    push @que, $x - 1;
print $cm[$gy][$gx], "\n";
Add data to the end Extract the first data
push shift


import java.util.*;

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        int r = Integer.parseInt(;
        int c = Integer.parseInt(;
        int sy = Integer.parseInt(;
        int sx = Integer.parseInt(;
        int gy = Integer.parseInt(;
        int gx = Integer.parseInt(;
        int cm[][] = new int[r + 1][c + 1];
        for (int i = 1; i <= r; i++) {
            String s =;
            for (int j = 1; j <= c; j++) {
                if (".".equals(s.substring(j - 1, j))) {
                    cm[i][j] = -1;
        Deque<Integer> que = new ArrayDeque<>();
        cm[sy][sx] = 0;
        while (que.size() > 0) {
            int y = que.poll();
            int x = que.poll();
            if (cm[y + 1][x] == -1) {
                cm[y + 1][x] = cm[y][x] + 1;
                que.add(y + 1);
            if (cm[y - 1][x] == -1) {
                cm[y - 1][x] = cm[y][x] + 1;
                que.add(y - 1);
            if (cm[y][x + 1] == -1) {
                cm[y][x + 1] = cm[y][x] + 1;
                que.add(x + 1);
            if (cm[y][x - 1] == -1) {
                cm[y][x - 1] = cm[y][x] + 1;
                que.add(x - 1);

For Deque

Add data to the end Extract the first data
add poll
Ruby Python Perl Java
Code length 791 Byte 935 Byte 915 Byte 1660 Byte
Execution time 10 ms 24 ms 5 ms 106 ms
memory 1788 KB 3436 KB 512 KB 23636 KB


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