I'm studying a lot because I want to use data assimilation for research. Lorenz96 model often used in data assimilation benchmarks https://journals.ametsoc.org/jas/article/55/3/399/24564/Optimal-Sites-for-Supplementary-Weather I wrote the code to solve the problem in Julia. I'm not sure if this is slow or fast, so I rewrote it in Python for the time being and compared it.
However, $ j = 1 \ dots N $. This time N = 40.
If you initially set $ X_j = F $, you will get a stationary solution. This time, solve it as $ X_ {20} = 1.01F, ; F = 8 $. When F = 8, chaotic behavior can be seen.
This is solved with Runge-Kutta with 4 steps and 4th order accuracy.
The version of Julia is 1.5.1. I ran it in Jupyter lab.
using LinearAlgebra
##Behavior changes depending on the size of F
F = 8
N = 40
dt = 0.01
tend = 146
nstep = Int32(tend/dt)
# dx/dt=f(x)
#Lorentz 96 equation
function f(x)
f = fill(0.0, N)
for i=3:N-1
f[i] = (x[i+1]-x[i-2])x[i-1] - x[i] + F
#Periodic boundary
f[1] = (x[2]-x[N-1])x[N] - x[1] + F
f[2] = (x[3]-x[N])x[1] - x[2] + F
f[N] = (x[1]-x[N-2])x[N-1] - x[N] + F
return f
#Solve L96 with RK4
function RK4(xold, dt)
k1 = f(xold)
k2 = f(xold + k1*dt/2.)
k3 = f(xold + k2*dt/2.)
k4 = f(xold + k3*dt)
xnew = xold + dt/6.0*(k1 + 2.0k2 + 2.0k3 + k4)
#Calculate the true value in all steps
function progress(deltat)
xn = zeros(Float64, N, nstep)
t = zeros(Float64, nstep)
#X = fill(F,N)+randn(N)
X = fill(Float64(F), N)
#The initial disturbance is j=0 of F value at 20 points.1%Gives the value of.
X[20] = 1.001*F
for j=1:nstep
X = RK4(X, deltat)
for i=1:N
xn[i, j] = X[i]
t[j] = dt*j
return xn, t
# x_Calculation of true
@time xn, t = progress(dt)
Python is 3.7.3. Python calculates with numpy installed with pip. Numpy in Anaconda is faster, but it's a test for the time being, so I don't care.
import numpy as np
from copy import copy
##Behavior changes depending on the size of F
F = 8
#Number of analysis data points (dimension)
N = 40
dt = 0.01
#1 year calculation
nstep = int(tend/dt)
def f(x):
f = np.zeros((N))
for i in range(2, N-1):
f[i] = (x[i+1]-x[i-2])*x[i-1] - x[i] + F
f[0] = (x[1]-x[N-2])*x[N-1] - x[0] + F
f[1] = (x[2]-x[N-1])*x[0] - x[1] + F
f[N-1] = (x[0]-x[N-3])*x[N-2] - x[N-1] + F
return f
#Solve L96 with RK4
def Model(xold, dt):
k1 = f(xold)
k2 = f(xold + k1*dt/2.)
k3 = f(xold + k2*dt/2.)
k4 = f(xold + k3*dt)
xnew = xold + dt/6.0*(k1 + 2.0*k2 + 2.0*k3 + k4)
return xnew
#Calculate the true value in all steps
def progress(deltat):
xn = np.zeros((N, nstep))
t = np.zeros((nstep))
X = float(F)*np.ones(N)
#X = fill(Float64(F), N)
#The initial disturbance is j=0 of F value at point 19 (considering 0 start).1%Gives the value of.
X[19] = 1.001*F
for i in range(N):
xn[i, 0] = copy(X[i])
for j in range(1, nstep):
X = Model(X, deltat)
xn[:, j] = X[:]
#print(X[20], X[1], deltat)
t[j] = dt*j
return xn, t
start = time.time()
xn, t = progress(dt)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start
print ("elapsed_time:{0}".format(elapsed_time) + "[sec]")
Julia 0.73 s Python 2.94 s
And Julia was faster. I did it on a MacBook Pro with a 2.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5.
I haven't really thought about optimizing Python, so I think it will be faster. I changed the order of the indexes of array, but it didn't get faster. I can do JIT compilation with Python, but I haven't done it, so I put it on hold this time.
For the time being, Julia's calculation speed did not seem to be slow. By the way, I also wrote the code for data assimilation by Extended Kalman Filter, but Julia was faster.
Code to plot the calculation result in Julia
Hoffmeler diagram
using PyPlot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5.))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.set_ylabel("time step")
image1 = ax1.contourf(xn'[1:5000,:], )
cb1 = fig.colorbar(image1, ax=ax1, label="X")
time change
using PyPlot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 8.))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
nhalf = Int(nstep/2)
nstart = nhalf
nend = nstep
ax1.plot(t[nstart:nend], xn[1, nstart:nend], label="x1")
ax1.plot(t[nstart:nend], xn[2, nstart:nend], label="x2")
ax1.plot(t[nstart:nend], xn[3, nstart:nend], label="x3")
Save as HDF5. Save data every 5 steps in the latter half of the calculation result.
using HDF5
h5open("L96_true_obs.h5", "w") do file
write(file, "Xn_true", xn[:, nhalf:5:nstep])
write(file, "t", t[nhalf:5:nstep])
Reed looks like this
file = h5open("L96_true_obs.h5", "r")
Xn_true = read(file, "Xn_true")
t = read(file, "t")
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