Solving with Ruby and Python AtCoder ABC151 D Breadth-first search


This theme

AtCoder Beginner Contest D - Maze Master Difficulty: 969

This theme, breadth-first search

Since it is a width priority search, it is a basic * solve with Ruby, Perl, Java and Python AtCoder ATC 002 A -Qiita * and an application * Ruby and Perl Customize AtCoder AGC 033 A Width Priority Search -Qiita * to solve in Java and Python. This time, the constraint is loose as 1 ≤ H, W ≤ 20, so we will investigate all . as the starting point. Ruby


h, w =
cm = + 2){ + 2, 0)}
que = []
a = []
1.upto(h) do |i|
  s = gets.chomp
  1.upto(w) do |j|
    if s[j - 1] == '.'
      cm[i][j] = -1
      a << [i, j]
ans = 0
a.each do |b|
  dm = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(cm))
  que << [b[0], b[1], 0]
  dm[b[0]][b[1]] = 0
  while que.size > 0
    y, x, r = que.shift
    ans = r + 1 if ans < r + 1
    if dm[y + 1][x] == -1
      dm[y + 1][x] = r + 1
      que << [y + 1, x, r + 1]
    if dm[y - 1][x] == -1
      dm[y - 1][x] = r + 1
      que << [y - 1, x, r + 1]
    if dm[y][x - 1] == -1
      dm[y][x - 1] = r + 1
      que << [y, x - 1, r + 1]
    if dm[y][x + 1] == -1
      dm[y][x + 1] = r + 1
      que << [y, x + 1, r + 1]
puts ans - 1


    if s[j - 1] == '.'
      cm[i][j] = -1
      a << [i, j]

All . are registered as starting points.


  dm = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(cm))

It fits with a shallow copy. Make a deep copy with Marshal. Python

from sys import stdin

def main():
    from collections import deque
    import copy
    input = stdin.readline

    h, w = map(int, input().split())
    cm = [[0] * (w + 2) for _ in range(h + 2)]
    que = deque([])
    a = deque([])
    for i in range(1, h + 1):
        s = input()
        for j in range(1, w + 2):
            if s[j - 1] == ".":
                cm[i][j] = -1
                a.append([i, j])
    ans = 0
    for b in a:
        dm = copy.deepcopy(cm)
        dm[b[0]][b[1]] = 0
        while len(que) > 0:
            y = que.popleft()
            x = que.popleft()
            r = que.popleft()
            if ans < r + 1:
                ans = r + 1
            if dm[y + 1][x] == -1:
                dm[y + 1][x] = r + 1
                que.append(y + 1)
                que.append(r + 1)
            if dm[y - 1][x] == -1:
                dm[y - 1][x] = r + 1
                que.append(y - 1)
                que.append(r + 1)
            if dm[y][x + 1] == -1:
                dm[y][x + 1] = r + 1
                que.append(x + 1)
                que.append(r + 1)
            if dm[y][x - 1] == -1:
                dm[y][x - 1] = r + 1
                que.append(x - 1)
                que.append(r + 1)
    print(ans - 1)

        dm = copy.deepcopy(cm)

*** A deep copy of Python *** is deepcopy

Ruby Python
Code length(Byte) 832 1502
Execution time(ms) 112 328
memory(KB) 2428 3572


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