Solving in Ruby, Python and Java AtCoder ABC141 D Priority Queuing


This theme

AtCoder Beginner Contest D - Powerful Discount Tickets Difficulty: 826

This theme, priority queue Ruby The operation itself is simple: take the most expensive item out of the queue, apply a discount voucher and put it back in the queue. In each case, perform the same operation for the most expensive item until the discount ticket runs out. However, in the implementation that simply sorts as follows, it will be TLE.


n, m =
a =
a.sort_by!{|x| -x}
m.times do
  b = a.shift
  b /= 2
  a << b
  a.sort_by!{|x| -x}  
puts a.inject(:+)

Priority queues allow you to find the most expensive items with less computation than sorting. It is heapq in Python and PriorityQueue in Java, but it is not in Ruby, so * I want to implement Priority Queue in Ruby * I borrowed the code from, and modified it a little.


class PriorityQueue
  def initialize(array = [])
    @data = []
    array.each{|a| push(a)}

  def push(element)

  def pop
    if size == 0
      return nil
    elsif size == 1
      return @data.pop
      min = @data[0]
      @data[0] = @data.pop
      return min

  def size


  def swap(i, j)
    @data[i], @data[j] = @data[j], @data[i]

  def parent_idx(target_idx)
    (target_idx - (target_idx.even? ? 2 : 1)) / 2

  def bottom_up
    target_idx = size - 1
    return if target_idx == 0
    parent_idx = parent_idx(target_idx)
    while (@data[parent_idx] > @data[target_idx])
      swap(parent_idx, target_idx)
      target_idx = parent_idx
      break if target_idx == 0
      parent_idx = parent_idx(target_idx)

  def top_down
    target_idx = 0

    while (has_child?(target_idx))

      a = left_child_idx(target_idx)
      b = right_child_idx(target_idx)

      if @data[b].nil?
        c = a
        c = @data[a] <= @data[b] ? a : b

      if @data[target_idx] > @data[c]
        swap(target_idx, c)
        target_idx = c

  # @param Integer
  # @return Integer
  def left_child_idx(idx)
    (idx * 2) + 1

  # @param Integer
  # @return Integer
  def right_child_idx(idx)
    (idx * 2) + 2

  # @param Integer
  # @return Boolent
  def has_child?(idx)
    ((idx * 2) + 1) < @data.size

n, m =
a =
e ={|x| -x}
b =
m.times do
  c = b.pop
  b.push(-(-c / 2))
ans = 0
while b.size > 0
  ans -= b.pop
puts ans

Even this is the last minute. Python

import heapq
import math

n, m = map(int, input().split())
a = [-1 * int(i) for i in input().split()]
for _ in range(m):
    b = heapq.heappop(a)
    heapq.heappush(a, math.ceil(b / 2))
print(-1 * sum(a))

Python's heapq takes the minimum value, so you need to add a minus sign. Also, since negative division by // returns the value with the larger absolute value, ceil is used here. Java

import java.util.*;

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        int N = Integer.parseInt(;
        int M = Integer.parseInt(;
        PriorityQueue<Long> A = new PriorityQueue<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {

        for (int i=0; i<M; i++) {
            long new_price = (long)A.poll()/2;

        long sum = 0;
        for (long a : A) {
            sum += a;
        PriorityQueue<Long> A = new PriorityQueue<>(Collections.reverseOrder());

Java supports the maximum value with reverseOrder ().

Ruby Python Java
Code length(Byte) 1933 230 673
Execution time(ms) 1981 163 476
memory(KB) 14004 14536 50024


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