Solving with Ruby and Python AtCoder ARC 059 C Least Squares


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This theme, least squares method

Ruby (search all)

It's a little difficult to understand even if you read the problem statement, but if you read the explanation of the output example, * [Least Squares -wikipedia]( You can see that% B0% 8F% E4% BA% 8C% E4% B9% 97% E6% B3% 95) * imagines a linear function with a slope of 0. First of all, since the amount of calculation is small, -100 ≤ a [i] ≤ 100, it can be solved frankly by full search.


n = gets.to_i
a =
min = Float::INFINITY
a.min.upto(a.max) do |x|
  b ={|y| (x - y) ** 2}.inject(:+)
  min = b if min > b
puts min

Ruby (least squares method)

Next is the mathematical solution. Since the linear function y = ax + b has a slope ʻa = 0, then y = b`.

Input example 3 a[0] a[1] a[2]
data 4 2 5
The square of the error $(b - 4)^2$ $(b - 2)^2$ $(b - 5)^2$
(cumulative squared error) = 3b ^ 2 --22b + 45

Therefore, the b that minimizes the cumulative square of the error can be obtained. $b = 22 / 2 / 3$


n = gets.to_i
a =
b = (a.inject(:+).to_f / n).round
min ={|x| (x - b) ** 2}.inject(:+)
puts min

Ruby (Least Squares-Matrix)

Enumerable modules such as map perform sequential operations on each element, but matrices perform operations on all elements at once.


require 'matrix'

n = gets.to_f
a = Matrix[(]
b = (a.inject(:+) / n).round
min = a - Matrix[(, b))]
puts (min * min.row_vectors[0])[0]

Python (full search)

import sys

n = int(input())
a = list(map(int, input().split()))
m = sys.maxsize
for x in range(min(a), max(a) + 1):
    b = sum([(x - y) ** 2 for y in a])
    if m > b:
        m = b

It seems that the variable min cannot be used.

Python (least squares)

n = int(input())
a = list(map(int, input().split()))
b = round(sum(a) / n)
m = sum([(x - b) ** 2 for x in a])

Python (least squares --numpy)

import numpy as np

n = int(input())
a = np.array([list(map(int, input().split()))], dtype = np.int32)
b = np.around(np.sum(a) / n)
m = a - b
print(int(np.sum(np.power(m, 2))))

It is only a rudimentary usage.

Ruby(Full search) Ruby(Least squares) Ruby(queue) Python(Full search) Python(Least squares) Python(numpy)
Code length 169 Byte 128 Byte 174 Byte 201 Byte 122 Byte 182 Byte
Execution time 10 ms 7 ms 17 ms 23 ms 18 ms 151 ms
memory 1916 KB 1788 KB 4604 KB 2940 KB 2940 KB 12396 KB


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