Solving with Ruby and Python AtCoder ABC153 E Dynamic programming


This theme

AtCoder Beginner Contest E - Crested Ibis vs Monster Difficulty: 1009

This theme, dynamic programming

It is a problem of so-called typical dynamic programming. Find the minimum total amount of magical power that Toki consumes before winning a monster. However, please note that it does not have to be 0 just by making the monster's physical strength 0 or less.



h, n =
a ={}
dp = + 1, Float::INFINITY)
dp[0] = 0 do |i|
  a.each do |x, y|
    if i + x < h && dp[i + x] > dp[i] + y
      dp[i + x] = dp[i] + y
    elsif i + x >= h && dp[h] > dp[i] + y
      dp[h] = dp[i] + y
puts dp[h]


    if i + x < h && dp[i + x] > dp[i] + y
      dp[i + x] = dp[i] + y
    elsif i + x >= h && dp[h] > dp[i] + y
      dp[h] = dp[i] + y

At ʻelsif i + x> = h, it is fixed to dp [h]as the processing when the monster's physical strength becomes0 or less`. Python

from sys import stdin, maxsize

def main():
    input = stdin.readline

    h, n = map(int, input().split())
    a = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(n)]
    dp = [maxsize] * (h + 1)
    dp[0] = 0
    for i in range(h + 1):
        for x, y in a:
            if i + x < h and dp[i + x] > dp[i] + y:
                dp[i + x] = dp[i] + y
            elif i + x >= h and dp[h] > dp[i] + y:
                dp[h] = dp[i] + y

If you are not *** PyPy ***, it will be TLE.

Ruby Python PyPy
Code length(Byte) 336 476 476
Execution time(ms) 1630 TLE 399
memory(KB) 2044 3616 41452


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