Eating and comparing programming languages: Python and Ruby


This article is for comparing what happens if you write the same behavior in Python and Ruby.

Please note that it may be awkward because it is written as a memorandum.

Dialogue console

Use the python command in Python and the irb in Ruby.


$ python
Python 3.8.5 ...
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


$ irb

When exiting the interactive console For Python, exit () or Ctrl + Z (for Windows), Ctrl + D (for Linux), For Ruby, exit or Ctrl + D You can get out of the dialogue console with

Write Hello World!

Python is print, Ruby is puts.


print("Hello World!")


puts "Hello World!"


There is no big difference in writing style between the two, Python needs to be indented in if, and Ruby must add end at the end of the definition Note that when providing else if, Python iselif [expression]:and Ruby iselsif [expression].


a = 1

if a == 1:
    print("a is 1")
elif a == 2:
    print("a is 2")
    print("a is neither 1 nor 2")


a = 1

if a == 1
  puts "a is 1"
elsif a == 2
  puts "a is 2"
  puts "a is neither 1 nor 2"

Repeat (repetition)

Use for for Python and each for Ruby if it is repeated by an array etc.


for a in range(10):


(0..9).each do |a|
  puts a

Function definition

With no arguments

It looks like this in Python


def func_def():
    print("It's function")
if __name__ == "__main__":

In case of Python, it is necessary to add () even if there is no argument (behavior is different with and without)

With Ruby


def func_def
  puts "It's function"

if __FILE__ == $0
  func_def # func_def()the same as

In the case of Ruby, it is not necessary to add () if there is no argument (it works even if it is added)

With arguments

This doesn't change much either.


def arg_func(one, two=2):
    print(f"one: {one}, two: {two}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


def arg_func (one, two=2)
  puts "one: #{one}, two: #{two}"

if __FILE__ == $0

As an aside,

For Python if __name__ ==" __main__ ":, In the case of Ruby, if __FILE__ == $ 0 can be used to determine whether it is treated as the main file.

Also, Python is f" {variables} ", Ruby can assign each variable to a string with " # {variables} "


Both Python and Ruby have the concept of classes However, the usability is slightly different when comparing the two.


Class constructor is defined with __init__ for Python and initialize for Ruby.


class Greeter:
    def __init__(self, name="World"): = name

    def hello(self):
        print(f"Hello {}!")

    def evening(self):
        print(f"Good evening {}!")


class Greeter
  def initialize(name = "World")
    @name = name

  def hello
    puts "Hello #{@name}!"

  def evening
    puts "Good evening #{@name}!"

Ruby variables can be read by doing attr_accessor: [instance variable] Anyway, it's no exaggeration to say that instance variables will be treated as private if this is not set. Note that Python will be treated as private if you add __ (two underscores) to the beginning of the variable (same for functions).

Also, if you set the same class in Python, it will be replaced, In the case of Ruby, you can add it by writing the same class again. (And it also applies to instances that have already been created)


# -- snip -- (Suppose the above Greeter class is already defined)
class Greeter
  attr_accessor :name

Instance creation

To create an instance, Python uses the class name as it is, and Ruby uses .new in addition to the class name.


# -- snip --
greet = Greeter("Qiita")


# -- snip --
greet ="Qiita")


--Python and Ruby are similar where they are similar --Python is a processing description such as branching by indentation --In Ruby, the process description is up to end, so you can see the delimiter.

Ruby memos are summarized in Scrapbox (Yuzulia-Prog Builder), so please have a look if you feel like it.

I will update this article again when I feel like it.

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