Differences between Ruby and Python (basic syntax)

Currently, I am attending TECH CAMP and learning Python by myself while learning Ruby. Regarding the difference between Ruby and Python, I will output the basic syntax as a memorandum.



puts "Hello World"


print("Hello World")



price = 100
puts "The total is#{price}It's a yen"


price = 100
print(f"The total is{price}It's a yen")

Calculation formula answer


10 / 3  



10 / 3

→ 3.3333…

Returns the value with the decimals truncated at //

10 // 3 

→ 3

if statement


if number >= 10
    puts "More than 10"
elsif number >= 0
    puts "0 or more and less than 10"
    puts "Less than 0"


if number >= 10:
    print("More than 10")
elif number >= 0:
    print("0 or more and less than 10")
    print("Less than 0")

Repeat the same process

Regarding the following array (list)

nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]


nums.each do |num|
    puts num


for num in nums:

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