The answer of "1/2" is different between python2 and 3

The answer for dividing integers is different between python2 and 3.


>>> 1/2


>>> 1/2

If you're designing code that works on both python2 and python3 If you expect 1/2 = 0.5:


>>> 1./2.

If you expect 1/2 = 0:


>>> int(1/2)

You should do it like this.

** Addition **

By using the __future__ module, it seems that division can be performed in python2 series as well as in python3 series. The __future__ module has a function that complements the compatibility of python2 series and python3 series, and imports division in it.


from __future__ import division

print(1/2)   # => 0.5
print(1//2)  # => 0


--Comment by @ LouisS0616 -future module --- Salinger's programming diary

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