What is the default TLS version of the python requests module?


As the title says. I was worried because the number of services that abolished TLS 1.0 has increased.

Related article

Click here for How to specify TLS version in python requests


I'm running these on AWS Lambda.



According to this article If the openSSL you are using is 1.0 series, it seems to automatically become TLS 1.2. The requests module itself does not predetermine the SSL / TLS version, It seems to use the SSL / TLS version returned from the related module (openSSL in this case).

In other words, it seems that which version of TLS the requests use depends on the version of openSSL, so let's check the version of openSSL on Lambda.

Survey method

Execute the following python code on lambda and get the result

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import ssl

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION


"OpenSSL 1.0.1k-fips 8 Jan 2015"

Since it is 1.0.1, it seems that TLS 1.2 is used.

that's all

[Related article] How to specify TLS version in python requests Note on how to specify the TLS version with cURL, OpenSSL command

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