View using the python module of Nifty Cloud mobile backend

There seems to be a python module for ncmb ...

I heard this story at the hackathon the other day and decided to use it immediately How about the details ...

pip installation

I tried the following command in How I've done it before, but it didn't work.

curl -kL | python

After all, it is listed on this site

$sudo apt-get install python-pip

I was able to install pip with.

However, it cannot be installed due to a version problem ... I'll give you the Python version of Raspberry Pi in the first place

Updated Raspberry Pi version to 2.7.7

The update was done with reference to this article.

The version was upgraded by entering the following command group.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install build-essential libncursesw5-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev 
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev openssl
cd ~
tar -zxvf Python-2.7.7.tgz
cd Python-2.7.7
make -j 4
sudo make install

Reboot after update

sudo reboot

Check the version after rebooting

python -V

When you hit

Python 2.7.7

You can see that it is installed correctly

Reinstall pip

sudo python2

Now you are ready for pip

Installation and preparation of ncmb python module

sudo pip install py_nifty_cloud

Also, preparation for initialization (signature generation). This module seems to read the yaml file application key and client key, so prepare it. In the following form ...


APPLICATION_KEY: 'your application key'
CLIENT_KEY: 'your client key'

Write to the database

Write the code for writing to the database as follows

from py_nifty_cloud.nifty_cloud_request import NiftyCloudRequest

# instanciate with yaml file contains APPLICATION KEY and CLIENT KEY
ncr = NiftyCloudRequest('./nifty_cloud.yml')
path = '/classes/TestClass'
method = 'POST'

# post a new recode
values = {'key': 'test'}
response =, query=values)

When executed, it will be as shown in the figure below スクリーンショット 2015-10-04 21.21.39.png

In addition, the following warning appears on the command screen.


It seems that it will come out by all means ...

Retrieving values from the database

Similarly, the code to pull out is as follows

from py_nifty_cloud.nifty_cloud_request import NiftyCloudRequest

# instanciate with yaml file contains APPLICATION KEY and CLIENT KEY
ncr = NiftyCloudRequest('./nifty_cloud.yml')
path = '/classes/TestClass'
query = {'where' : {'key': 'test'}}
method = 'GET'

# standard way to request
# get recodes which matches a query from path, with GET or POST or PUT http method
response = ncr.request(path=path, query=query, method=method)
# >>> requests.models.Response

# show status code
# show response as json format

The result is below

{u'results': [{u'key': u'test', u'createDate': u'2015-10-04T12:17:49.729Z', u'updateDate': u'2015-10-04T12:17:49.730Z', u'objectId': u'mVgYUeowLXFuEQ0R', u'acl': {u'*': {u'read': True, u'write': True}}}]}

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