Touch NoSQL with Python using the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator

Background of this post

Oracle Cloud also has NoSQL (Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud) For NoSQL, how do you execute DDL and DML in Python? I wanted to investigate.

There is an Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud simulator, You can try it on your local PC, so I've summarized the steps to use the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator and how to run DDL and DML in Python.

In this post It will be the contents to touch the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud simulator from Python in the Windows 10 environment.

The prerequisite is the procedure from the state where Anaconda-Python 3.7 version is installed in the Windows 10 environment.

What is the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator?

The Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator simulates cloud services and You can write and test your application locally without accessing the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service. The Oracle NoSQL Database Java SDK contains some samples for developers to use.

Before starting with Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service Develop applications with Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator to understand basic examples.

⇒ The Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator prepares an environment where you can try apps (Python, Java, Node.js, Go) in a local environment (notebook PC) without connecting to Oracle Cloud.

Environmental preparation

Prepare the following two environmental preparations ** 1. Download Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator ** ** 2. Install Oracle NoSQL Database Python SDK **

The prerequisite is the procedure from the state where Anaconda-Python 3.7 version is installed in the Windows 10 environment. To install Anaconda, go to here

1. Download Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator



Download to any folder and unzip it.

Requirements for running the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator

**-Java JDK version 10 or higher must be installed on your machine. ** ** ** · 5 GB or more of available disk space to install the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator. ** **

If Java JDK version 10 or higher is not installed Click [JDK Download] here to download the Windows x64 Installer.

  1. Double-click the downloaded jdk-14.0.1_windows-x64_bin.exe.
  2. Install Java SDK by following the steps below      

2. Install Oracle NoSQL Database Python SDK

Launch Anaconda prompt

At the Anaconda prompt

pip install borneo

And press [Enter]

Launch the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator

  1. Start command prompt Command prompt is started

  2. Put the Java JDK path in the environment variable (PATH) The path of the Java JDK installed this time is C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk-14.0.1 \ bin Set the Java JDK path in the environment variable PATH with set PATH = C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk-14.0.1 \ bin;% PATH% Check the Java JDK version by typing Java -version ⇒ Confirm that the Java JDK 14 installed this time is used. At the command prompt Move to the directory where you unzipped oracle-nosql-cloud-simulator-1.2.0 Use the cd command to move to the directory where you unzipped oracle-nosql-cloud-simulator-1.2.0

Enter the following command at the command prompt

java -jar cloudsim/lib/cloudsim.jar -root . 

It will be in the state of being started with "Oracle NoSQL Cloud Simulator is ready"

How to Stop Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator

Press [Ctrl] + C to stop.

Try running the sample script

Download the python sample script ( from GitHub.

Unzip to any folder. Sample scripts are stored in the [examples] folder.

Launch Anaconda prompt

Run the sample script (try running Drag the sample script and press the [Enter] key. * Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator must be running

Execution result of

For more information, see Oracle NoSQL Database Python SDK (Japanese), [SQL Reference for Oracle NoSQL Database](SELECT Expression)]( ) Was also helpful. and can also be executed as sample scripts.


-Oracle NoSQL Database Python SDK

-SQL Reference for Oracle NoSQL Database (SELECT Expression)

· NoSQL database manual

-NoSQL Database Manual (Development with Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator)

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