Get and estimate the shape of the head using Dlib and OpenCV with python

This time, I would like to extract the shape of the head using Dlib, OpenCV or display the ellipse as a model.

environment ・ Python 3.7.5 ・ Opencv 4.1.2 · Dlib 19.18.0

I refer to the following sites. → I downloaded the trained model from the following site for the acquisition of facial organs.

The programs that have been made so far are as follows.

import dlib
import cv2

detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()#Face detector
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat")
#↑ Predictor(Specifying the path of the trained model)

def get_center(gray_img):#Find the center of gravity of the image ↓ opencv will do it for you
    moments = cv2.moments(gray_img, False)
        return int(moments['m10'] / moments['m00']), int(moments['m01'] / moments['m00'])
       return None
    #Occasionally division by zero occurs, so we are processing it ↑
    #The coordinates obtained with this will be the position of the pupil ↑

def is_close(y0, y1):#Are your eyes closed
    if abs(y0 - y1) < 10:#The arguments are the y-coordinate of the upper eyelid and the y-coordinate of the lower eyelid.
        return True      #Distinguish by the difference between the y-coordinates of the upper and lower eyelids
    return False

def head_point(img,parts):
    heads = [
#Get pupil coordinates
def eye_point(img, parts, left=True):
    #Face image and facial organ coordinates, left eye or right eye(True left eye)
    #Get the coordinates of the eyeball ↓
    if left:
        eyes = [
                min(parts[37], parts[38], key=lambda x: x.y),
                max(parts[40], parts[41], key=lambda x: x.y),
    #Since it is in the 36th to 39th, extract those 4 points
        eyes = [
                min(parts[43], parts[44], key=lambda x: x.y),
                max(parts[46], parts[47], key=lambda x: x.y),
    #At the edge of the eyes (36, 39), the one above the upper eyelid(37 or 38)
    #The one below the lower eyelid(40 or 41)
    #Get the coordinates so that the entire eyeball is included when surrounded by a square
    #The right eye is in the coordinates of the left eye+Get 6 ↑
    org_x = eyes[0].x
    org_y = eyes[1].y
    #↑ Save the coordinates to align the origin with the eyeball
    hrg_x = heads[0].x
    if is_close(org_y, eyes[2].y):#If your eyes are closed, you can't detect your eyes
        return None 
#Find out if your eyes are closed
#↓ Trim the eyeballs and binarize them ↓
    eye = img[org_y:eyes[2].y, org_x:eyes[-1].x]#trimming
    _, eye = cv2.threshold(cv2.cvtColor(eye, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), 30, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
    center = get_center(eye)#Find the center of gravity
    if center:
        return center[0] + org_x, center[1] + org_y
    return center

def p(img, parts, eye):#The arguments are face image, facial organ coordinates, and pupil coordinates.(Left, right)
    if eye[0]:#The pupil coordinates are displayed as green dots and the facial organ coordinates are displayed as blue dots on the face image., eye[0], 3, (255, 255, 0), -1)
    if eye[1]:, eye[1], 3, (255, 255, 0), -1)

    for i in parts:, (i.x, i.y), 3, (255, 0, 0), -1)

    cv2.imshow("face", img)

#Get video from camera
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
while True:
    ret, frame =
#Add processing here---

#For example, if you want to get the coordinates of the top of your nose

    #↓ Get facial organ coordinates
    dets = detector(frame[:, :, ::-1])
    if len(dets) > 0:
        parts = predictor(frame, dets[0]).parts()

        left_eye = eye_point(frame, parts)#In addition to the facial organs of the eyes, the eyes are also displayed
        right_eye = eye_point(frame, parts, False)

        p(frame, parts, (left_eye,right_eye))#frame*At 0*If you do not 0
#Dots are displayed overlaid on the original face image

    if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27:
#Release the capture and close all windows
#So far----

#If you don't have a camera
#frame = cv2.imread("Image path")
#cv2.imshow("me", frame) #For confirmation
#Add processing here---

#So far----


I would like to add more to this program to make a model of the head. I wish I could extract it, but I would like to make an elliptical model (head model) that connects to the 68 landmarks 1 and 17 in the image below. I did a lot of research, but it didn't work, so if anyone can understand it, please let me know. I look forward to working with you. images.jpeg

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