Find the general terms of the Tribonacci sequence with linear algebra and Python

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What is the Tribonacci sequence?

The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence that adds the previous two terms to form the next term. Expressed as an expression

a_{n+2} = a_{n+1} + a_{n}\\ a_0 = 0\\a_1 = 1

It will be. The Tribonacci sequence is an extension of this and the number obtained by adding the previous three terms to the next term. Expressed as an expression

a_{n+3} = a_{n+2} + a_{n+1} + a_{n}\\ a_0 = 0\\a_1 = 0\\a_2 = 1

It will be. If you calculate a little,

a_3 = 1+0+0=1\\
a_4 = 1+1+0=2\\
a_5 = 2+1+1=4\\
a_6 = 4+2+1=7\\

It will be.


Let $ V $ be the space formed by a sequence of real numbers that satisfies the recurrence formula. Given the first three terms $ a_0, a_1, a_2 $ of the sequence $ \ {a_n } $, the sequence $ \ {a_n } $ is uniquely determined in $ n \ geq3 $.

\boldsymbol{u}=\{1,0,0,1,\dots \},\ \boldsymbol{v}=\{0,1,0,1,\dots \},\ \boldsymbol{w}=\{0,0,1,1,\dots\}

will do. Assuming that $ c_1 \ boldsymbol {u} + c_2 \ boldsymbol {v} + c_3 \ boldsymbol {w} = \ boldsymbol {o} $ holds for $ c_1, c_2, c_3 \ in \ mathbb {C} $ ,

c_1\{1,0,0,\dots \}+c_2\{0,1,0,\dots \}+c_3\{0,0,1,\dots \}=\{c_1,c_2,c_3,\dots \}=\{0,0,0,\dots \}

Therefore, $ c_1 = c_2 = c_3 = 0 $. Therefore, $ \ boldsymbol {u}, \ boldsymbol {v}, \ boldsymbol {w} $ are known to be linearly independent.


\boldsymbol{a}= \{ a_0,a_1,a_2,\dots \}

Is an arbitrary source of $ V $

\boldsymbol{a}&=\{ a_0,0,0,\dots \}+\{0,a_1,0,\dots \} +\{0,0,a_2,\dots \}  \\
 &=a_0\{1,0,0,\dots \}+a_1\{0,1,0,\dots \}+a_2\{0,0,1,\dots \} \\

It can be represented by a linear combination of $ \ boldsymbol {u}, \ boldsymbol {v}, \ boldsymbol {w} $. Therefore, $ \ boldsymbol {u}, \ boldsymbol {v}, \ boldsymbol {w} $ will generate $ V $.

From the above, $ \ boldsymbol {u}, \ boldsymbol {v}, \ boldsymbol {w} $ are linearly independent and generate $ V $, so they are the basis of $ V $.

Now, map $ f: V \ rightarrow V $

f(\{ a_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty})=\{ a_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}

will do. $ \ boldsymbol {a} = \ {a_0, a_1, a_2, \ dots } \ in V $, $ f (\ boldsymbol {a}) = \ {a_1, a_2, a_3, \ dots } $ It satisfies the recurrence formula, so it is $ f (\ boldsymbol {a}) \ in V $.

\boldsymbol{a}=\{ a_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\in V \\
\boldsymbol{b}=\{ b_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\in V \\
c\in \mathbb{C}


f(\boldsymbol{a}+\boldsymbol{b})=f(\{ a_n+b_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty})=\{ a_n+b_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}=\{ a_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}+\{ b_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}=f(\boldsymbol{a})+f(\boldsymbol{b})\\
f(c\boldsymbol{a})=f(c\{ a_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty})=c\{ a_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}=cf(\boldsymbol{a})

Is true, so $ f $ is a linear transformation of $ V $.

Representing the recurrence formula as a matrix

Regarding $ \ boldsymbol {u}, \ boldsymbol {v}, \ boldsymbol {w} $

f(\boldsymbol{u})&=\{0,0,1,\dots \}=\boldsymbol{w}\\
f(\boldsymbol{v})&=\{1,0,1,\dots \}=\boldsymbol{u}+\boldsymbol{w}\\
f(\boldsymbol{w})&=\{0,1,1,\dots \}=\boldsymbol{v}+\boldsymbol{w}


[f(\boldsymbol{u})\quad f(\boldsymbol{v})\quad f(\boldsymbol{w})]=
[\boldsymbol{u}\ \boldsymbol{v}\ \boldsymbol{w}]
0 & 1 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1 \\
1 & 1 & 1

Can be expressed as. Therefore, the representation matrix for the basis $ \ boldsymbol {u}, \ boldsymbol {v}, \ boldsymbol {w} $ of $ f $ is

0 & 1 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1 \\
1 & 1 & 1

is. Let this representation matrix be $ A $.

Relationship between eigenvalues and common ratios

\boldsymbol{p}=\{ r^{n} \}_{n=0}^{\infty}=\{1,r,r^2,\dots \}

Belongs to $ V $

f(\boldsymbol{p})=f(\{ r^{n} \}_{n=0}^{\infty})=\{ r^{n} \}_{n=1}^{\infty}=\{ r^{n+1} \}_{n=0}^{\infty}=r\{ r^{n} \}_{n=0}^{\infty}=r\boldsymbol{p}

Therefore, $ \ boldsymbol {p} $ becomes an eigenvector with an eigenvalue of $ r $. Conversely, from the above equation, we can also see that the eigenvector of the eigenvalue $ r $ of $ f $ is a geometric progression with a common ratio of $ r $. Therefore, we know that the common ratio and the eigenvalue are equal.

Find the eigenvalue

Find the eigenvalue of $ f $. The characteristic polynomial of $ A $ uses $ I $ as the identity matrix.

\varphi_A(\lambda)&=|A-\lambda I|\\
0-\lambda & 1 & 0 \\
0 & 0-\lambda & 1 \\
1 & 1 & 1-\lambda

It will be. However, $ \ varphi_A (\ lambda) = 0 $ cannot be easily solved. Let the three solutions be $ \ alpha, \ beta, \ gamma $, respectively. We will find $ \ alpha, \ beta, \ gamma $ in a later chapter. A geometric progression that is an eigenvector corresponding to the solution $ \ alpha, \ beta, \ gamma $

\boldsymbol{a}=\{ \alpha^{n} \}_{n=0}^{\infty}\\
 \boldsymbol{b}=\{ \beta^{n} \}_{n=0}^{\infty}\\
 \boldsymbol{c}=\{ \gamma^{n} \}_{n=0}^{\infty}

Belongs to $ V $. These are linearly independent because they are eigenvectors corresponding to the different eigenvalues of $ f $, assuming that $ \ alpha, \ beta, \ gamma $ are all different. Also, $ \ dim V = 3 $. Therefore, $ \ boldsymbol {a}, \ boldsymbol {b}, \ boldsymbol {c} $ are the basis of $ V $.

Determining the coefficient

From the above, there are some $ c_1, c_2, c_3 $,


Because it can be expressed as

\Leftrightarrow \{a_0,a_1,a_2,\dots \}&=c_1\{ \alpha^{n} \}_{n=0}^{\infty}+c_2\{ \beta^{n} \}_{n=0}^{\infty}+c_3\{ \gamma^{n} \}_{n=0}^{\infty}\\
\Leftrightarrow \{0,0,1,\dots \}&=c_1\{ 1,\alpha,\alpha^2,\dots \}+c_2\{1,\beta,\beta^2,\dots \}+c_3\{ 1,\gamma,\gamma^2,\dots\} \\
\Leftrightarrow \{0,0,1,\dots \}&=\{ c_1+c_2+c_3,c_1\alpha+c_2\beta+c_3\gamma,c_1\alpha^2+c_2\beta^2+c_3\gamma^2, \dots\} 

Expressing this as a matrix,

1 & 1 & 1 \\
\alpha & \beta & \gamma \\
\alpha^2 & \beta^2 & \gamma^2
c_1 \\ c_2 \\ c_3
0 \\ 0 \\ 1

is. The determinant of the matrix on the left is

1 & 1 & 1 \\
\alpha & \beta & \gamma \\
\alpha^2 & \beta^2 & \gamma^2
1 & 0 & 0 \\
\alpha & \beta-\alpha & \gamma-\alpha \\
\alpha^2 & \beta^2-\alpha^2 & \gamma^2-\alpha^2
\beta-\alpha & \gamma-\alpha \\
\beta^2-\alpha^2 & \gamma^2-\alpha^2
\beta-\alpha & \gamma-\alpha \\
\beta^2-\alpha^2 - (\beta-\alpha)(\beta + \alpha) & \gamma^2-\alpha^2 - (\gamma-\alpha)(\beta + \alpha)
\beta-\alpha & \gamma-\alpha \\
0 & (\gamma-\alpha)(\gamma+\alpha) - (\gamma-\alpha)(\beta + \alpha)
&=(\beta-\alpha)(\gamma-\alpha)(\gamma - \beta)\\

It will be. This is also known as the Vandermonde determinant. Using Cramer's rule,

c_1 &= \frac{
0 & 1 & 1 \\
0 & \beta & \gamma \\
1 & \beta^2 & \gamma^2
1 & 1 & 1 \\
\alpha & \beta & \gamma \\
\alpha^2 & \beta^2 & \gamma^2
1 & \beta^2 & \gamma^2 \\
0 & \beta & \gamma \\
0 & 1 & 1 
\beta & \gamma\\
1 & 1 

Is required. Similarly

c_2 = \frac{
c_3 = \frac{

Is required.

From the above,

\boldsymbol{a_n} &= c_1 \boldsymbol{a} + c_2 \boldsymbol{b} + c_3 \boldsymbol{c}\\
&=\left\{ \frac{\alpha^n}{(\alpha-\beta)(\alpha-\gamma)} + \frac{\beta^n}{(\beta-\alpha)(\beta-\gamma)} + \frac{\gamma^n}{(\gamma-\alpha)(\gamma-\beta)}\right\}_{n=0}^{\infty}


a_n = \frac{\alpha^n}{(\alpha-\beta)(\alpha-\gamma)} + \frac{\beta^n}{(\beta-\alpha)(\beta-\gamma)} + \frac{\gamma^n}{(\gamma-\alpha)(\gamma-\beta)}

Was led.

Calculation of specific numerical values

So far, we know the shape of the general term, but we don't know the specific values of $ \ alpha, \ beta, \ gamma $. There is also a method to find it using the formula of the solution of the cubic equation, but this time let's find it with Python. It is assumed that $ a [i] $ is calculated according to the definition of the tribonacci sequence, and $ b [i] $ is calculated by the general term. There is also a method of solving algebraically using sympy, but this time it is calculated numerically using numpy.

Source code

import numpy as np
import warnings 
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')       #Warning occurs when calculating complex numbers, so delete it.

alpha, beta, gamma = np.roots([1,-1,-1,-1])     # solve 1*x^3 + (-1)*x^2+ (-1)*x + (-1) = 0
print("alpha =", alpha)
print("beta =", beta)
print("gamma =", gamma)

a = np.zeros(101)
b = np.zeros(101)

a[2] = 1

print(" i ","           a[i]           ","          b[i]           ", "  a[i]-b[i]    ")

for i in range(101):
    if i > 2:
        a[i] = a[i-1] + a[i-2] + a[i-3]
    b[i] = np.power(alpha,i)/((alpha-beta)*(alpha-gamma)) + np.power(beta,i)/((beta-alpha)*(beta-gamma)) + np.power(gamma,i)/((gamma-alpha)*(gamma-beta))
    print('{:3}'.format(i), '{:26}'.format(int(a[i])), '{:26}'.format(int(round(abs(b[i])))), '{:12}'.format(int(a[i]) - int(round(abs(b[i])))))

Output result

alpha = (1.839286755214161+0j)
beta = (-0.41964337760708065+0.6062907292071997j)
gamma = (-0.41964337760708065-0.6062907292071997j)
 i             a[i]                      b[i]              a[i]-b[i]    
  0                          0                          0            0
  1                          0                          0            0
  2                          1                          1            0
  3                          1                          1            0
  4                          2                          2            0
  5                          4                          4            0
  6                          7                          7            0
  7                         13                         13            0
  8                         24                         24            0
  9                         44                         44            0
 10                         81                         81            0
 11                        149                        149            0
 12                        274                        274            0
 13                        504                        504            0
 14                        927                        927            0
 15                       1705                       1705            0
 16                       3136                       3136            0
 17                       5768                       5768            0
 18                      10609                      10609            0
 19                      19513                      19513            0
 20                      35890                      35890            0
 21                      66012                      66012            0
 22                     121415                     121415            0
 23                     223317                     223317            0
 24                     410744                     410744            0
 25                     755476                     755476            0
 26                    1389537                    1389537            0
 27                    2555757                    2555757            0
 28                    4700770                    4700770            0
 29                    8646064                    8646064            0
 30                   15902591                   15902591            0
 31                   29249425                   29249425            0
 32                   53798080                   53798080            0
 33                   98950096                   98950096            0
 34                  181997601                  181997601            0
 35                  334745777                  334745777            0
 36                  615693474                  615693474            0
 37                 1132436852                 1132436852            0
 38                 2082876103                 2082876103            0
 39                 3831006429                 3831006429            0
 40                 7046319384                 7046319384            0
 41                12960201916                12960201916            0
 42                23837527729                23837527729            0
 43                43844049029                43844049029            0
 44                80641778674                80641778674            0
 45               148323355432               148323355432            0
 46               272809183135               272809183135            0
 47               501774317241               501774317241            0
 48               922906855808               922906855808            0
 49              1697490356184              1697490356184            0
 50              3122171529233              3122171529233            0
 51              5742568741225              5742568741225            0
 52             10562230626642             10562230626642            0
 53             19426970897100             19426970897100            0
 54             35731770264967             35731770264967            0
 55             65720971788709             65720971788709            0
 56            120879712950776            120879712950775            1
 57            222332455004452            222332455004451            1
 58            408933139743937            408933139743935            2
 59            752145307699165            752145307699160            5
 60           1383410902447554           1383410902447546            8
 61           2544489349890656           2544489349890641           15
 62           4680045560037375           4680045560037345           30
 63           8607945812375585           8607945812375530           55
 64          15832480722303616          15832480722303512          104
 65          29120472094716576          29120472094716384          192
 66          53560898629395776          53560898629395416          360
 67          98513851446415968          98513851446415296          672
 68         181195222170528320         181195222170527072         1248
 69         333269972246340096         333269972246337792         2304
 70         612979045863284352         612979045863280000         4352
 71        1127444240280152832        1127444240280144512         8320
 72        2073693258389777408        2073693258389762048        15360
 73        3814116544533214720        3814116544533186560        28160
 74        7015254043203144704        7015254043203092480        52224
 75       12903063846126137344       12903063846126039040        98304
 76       23732434433862496256       23732434433862311936       184320
 77       43650752323191775232       43650752323191439360       335872
 78       80286250603180408832       80286250603179769856       638976
 79      147669437360234692608      147669437360233480192      1212416
 80      271606440286606852096      271606440286604623872      2228224
 81      499562128250021937152      499562128250017808384      4128768
 82      918838005896863416320      918838005896855945216      7471104
 83     1690006574433492271104     1690006574433477853184     14417920
 84     3108406708580377427968     3108406708580351213568     26214400
 85     5717251288910732984320     5717251288910684749824     48234496
 86    10515664571924601634816    10515664571924511457280     90177536
 87    19341322569415712047104    19341322569415540080640    171966464
 88    35574238430251047714816    35574238430250737336320    310378496
 89    65431225571591361396736    65431225571590774194176    587202560
 90   120346786571258121158656   120346786571257030639616   1090519040
 91   221352250573100547047424   221352250573098500227072   2046820352
 92   407130262715950037991424   407130262715946279895040   3758096384
 93   748829299860308689420288   748829299860301844316160   6845104128
 94  1377311813149359375122432  1377311813149346221785088  13153337344
 95  2533271375725618236751872  2533271375725593540689920  24696061952
 96  4659412488735286167076864  4659412488735240533049344  45634027520
 97  8569995677610263510515712  8569995677610179758653440  83751862272
 98 15762679542071167914344448 15762679542071011148038144 156766306304
 99 28992087708416715444453376 28992087708416427681644544 287762808832
100 53324762928098150090539008 53324762928097265327276032 884763262976

Thus, when $ i $ is small, it matches. When $ i $ is large, there is an error due to floating point numbers, but since the error is small compared to the numerical value, the general term is considered to be correct.

Computational complexity

In Python, the pow function used for power is implemented repeatedly in the square method, so a certain number of $ N $ power can be obtained quickly with $ O (\ log N) $. Therefore, the complexity required to find $ a [N] $ is $ O (N) $, but $ b [N] $ can be found by $ O (\ log N) $. On a computer, $ a [i] $ has the advantages and disadvantages that the value can be calculated accurately but the amount of calculation is large, and $ b [i] $ can be calculated at high speed but an error occurs.

Further expansion of the Tribonacci sequence

I wrote an article Finding general terms of extended Fibonacci sequence (k-Bonacci sequence: sum of previous k terms) with linear algebra and Python. Please see if you like.

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