Try using the Kraken API in Python


When I was trading levers on BitFlyer Lightning, someone else's automated trading program wiped out my buy orders. (It seems that there was a bug in the API) The market price of Bitcoin in Forex dropped from 46000 to 30000 at a stretch, and I was also lost. I'm scared, so let's distribute it to other places for the time being! So, I started to touch Kraken, which is rumored to have a business alliance with Money Partners, so I decided to touch the API as well.

API documentation

API specifications API Documentation

Kraken introduces implementation examples in each language API client example

Try using

Since I am using Python 2.7.11, there is a link in the API client example python2-krakenex It was used.

Setup is

git clone
cd python2-krakenex
python ./ install

with this,

import krakenex

Can be called.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import krakenex

k = krakenex.API('key','secret')

total_balance = k.query_private('TradeBalance', {'asset': 'ZJPY'})['result']['tb']
print total_balance

ticks = k.query_public('Ticker',{'pair':'XXBTZJPY,ETHXBT,ETHJPY'})['result']
print ticks

With this, you can get the Japanese Yen equivalent deposit amount, BTC / JPY, ETH / BTC, and ETH / JPY tickers.

The response is JSON.

If you look at the official kraken documentation, there are Public API and Private API, so use query_public and query_private properly accordingly. Where the list of pairs is specified


Treat as one character string like.

that's all

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