Try using Leap Motion in Python

I bought a small gesture control device called Leap Motion and tried it with python. Since my environment is ubuntu 12.04, I will get the SDK for it from the developer site. (User registration required) When you unzip the downloaded file, there is a folder called LeapSDK in it, so the following files in lib in it will be the files necessary to run with python.

I used a module called VPython for 3D display. The following is the simple viewer created this time.

from visual import *
import Leap

scene = display(title='Leap Motion Example',
                x = 0, y = 0, width = 600, height = 600,
                center = (5, 0, 0), background = (0, 1, 1),
                visible = True,
                scale = (0.005, 0.005, 0.005),
                autoscale = False)
balls = [sphere(radius=10,, visible=False) for _ in range(10)]
controller = Leap.Controller()

while True:
    f = controller.frame()
    for idx, ball in enumerate(balls):
        if idx < len(f.fingers):
            ball.visible = True
            ball.pos = (f.fingers[idx].tip_position.x,
            ball.visible = False

The actual display screen looks like this. It's pretty simple and only the fingertips are displayed. finger_viz.png It's an interesting device, so it seems like it can be used for games, music, 3D modeling, and more.

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