GUI creation in python using tkinter part 1


When executing a tool made with python, there is no problem if you call it from the command line if you made it yourself, but if it is a tool used by people who are not related to development, it is better to be able to operate it from the screen It's convenient. I researched various things to see if I could make an application with python and summarized the contents I made. It's still not very well made, so I plan to adjust it gradually.

Things necessary

Publication place

It is published on github.

Processing content

Script for operating selenium practice site see here, script for adding columns and deleting rows in Excel file [see here](https: // can now be started.


    def openFile(self):
        fTyp = [('','*.xlsx')]
        iDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes = fTyp,initialdir = iDir)
        return filename

    def fileButton(self):
       filename= self.openFile()

    def doExecute(self):
        # threading.Lock

    def execute(self):

        reserveSheetTemp=excelFile.parse(sheet_name='Reservation sheet',dtype='str',header=1)

        reserveSheet=reserveSheetTemp.query('Invalid flag!= "1"')
        #Enter working hours

        testSideOrder.createOkDialog('Processing completed','登録Processing completed')

root= tkinter.Tk()

    def main(self):
        root.title("Python GUI")
        content = ttk.Frame(root)
        frame = ttk.Frame(content,  relief="sunken", width=400, height=500)
        content.grid(column=0, row=0)

        title.grid(column=0, row=0, columnspan=4)

        fileLabel=ttk.Label(content,text="Reservation information")
        resultFolderLabel=ttk.Label(content,text="Folder specification")




        fileInputButton=ttk.Button(content, text=BUTTON_LABEL_REFERENCE,command=self.fileButton)
        resultDirectoryInputButton=ttk.Button(content, text=BUTTON_LABEL_REFERENCE,command=self.inputResultFolderButton)
        fileExecuteButton1=ttk.Button(content,text='File operation Insert execution',command=self.fileInsert)
        fileExecuteButton2=ttk.Button(content,text='File operation delete execution',command=self.fileDelete)

When you start it, the following screen will be displayed.


For the time being, this time around Continued created

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