Draw a tree in Python 3 using graphviz

I think I used Graphviz, a tool that converts text to graphs, from Python3 to draw a tree structure.

What is Graphviz


Graphviz is a tool that converts text into a graph using a unique format called .dot.


digraph {
    node [shape=circle]
    A [label=A]
    B [label=B]
    C [label=C]
        A -> B
        A -> C

The following graph can be drawn from the above sample.


This time, I think I used this Graphviz from Python3 to draw a tree structure.

Operating environment


First, install Graphviz using brew

$brew install graphviz
$dot -V
>>> dot - graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)

Install graphviz with pip

graphviz is a package that wraps Graphviz so that it can be used from Python.

$pip install graphviz

As a similar package, there is pygraphviz that can be linked with networkx, but this is not compatible with Python3. .. ..

basic operation

Let's write a binary tree as an example.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from graphviz import Digraph

#format specifies png(Other PDF, PNG,SVG etc. can be specified)
G = Digraph(format='png')
G.attr('node', shape='circle')

N = 15    #Number of nodes

#Add node
for i in range(N):
    G.node(str(i), str(i))
#Add edge
for i in range(N):
    if (i - 1) // 2 >= 0:
        G.edge(str((i - 1) // 2), str(i))

# print()Then it will be output in dot format

# binary_tree.Save as png

Output result



Official Example

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