Draw knots interactively in Plotly (Python)

Draw knots interactively in Plotly (Python)

1.First of all

This time, I will draw a knot in Plotly on a three-dimensional space. I hope it will help you in your studies.

You can do something like ↓.

See the Pen dyoyxKW by Sota Misawa (@mitawaut) on CodePen.

Source (GitHub)

2. Review

I will do the minimum necessary review to illustrate the knot.

A ** knot ** (knot) is a $ S ^ 1 $ piecewise embedded in $ S ^ 3 $. Since $ S ^ 3 $ can be regarded as $ \ mathbb {R} ^ 3 \ cup \ {\ infinty \} $, if the embedded $ S ^ 1 $ does not include $ \ infinty $, then $ \ You can think of it as $ S ^ 1 $ embedded in mathbb {R} ^ 3 $.

A well-known method of expressing knots is a knot along the two-dimensional torus surface $ \ mathbb {T} ^ 2 . Consider the closed surface defined by the following map as a torus: $\mathbb{T}^2 : [-\pi , \pi]^2 \ni (\phi,\ \theta)\longmapsto \bigl(\cos \phi \ (3+\cos \theta),\ \sin \phi \ (3+\cos \theta),\ -\sin \theta \bigr)\in \mathbb{R}^3$$


Using a pair of integers $ (n, \ m) $ on a closed curve on $ \ mathbb {T} ^ 2 $ (extending the domain of $ \ mathbb {T} ^ 2 $ appropriately), $ T(n,\ m) : [-\pi , \pi]\ni t \longmapsto \mathbb{T}^2(nt,\ mt) \in \mathbb{R}^3$

Consider what is represented as. You can think of this as a knot. The following theorems are known in this regard.

** Theorem. ** For any non-trivial knot $ K $ contained in $ \ mathbb {T} ^ 2 $, there exists a relatively prime integer pair $ (n, \ m) $ for $ K. $ Is equivalent to $ T (n, \ m) $.

From this theorem, we try to illustrate $ T (n, \ m) $ as a knot expression. Below is a diagram of $ T (2, \ 3) $. knot_on_torus.png

3. Implementation

This is the beginning of cooking for 5 minutes. Since ipywidgets is used, jupyter notebook is recommended.



The goal is to be able to manipulate $ n, \ m $ with ipywidgets. First, import what you need.

# import modules
import plotly.offline as offline
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import numpy as np
from ipywidgets import interactive, VBox, widgets
from IPython.display import display


Then define $ \ mathbb {T} ^ 2 $ and $ T (n, \ m) $. Again, this just implements the above discussion as is.

# functions
def torus(p, t):
    x = np.cos(p) * (3 + np.cos(t))
    y = np.sin(p) * (3 + np.cos(t))
    z = -np.sin(t)
    return (x, y, z)

def knot(n, m):
    theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1000)
    p, t = n*theta, m*theta
    return torus(p, t)

All you have to do is plot. The initial value is $ (m, \ m) = (2, \ 3) $, and the slide bar range is $ n $: -10 ~ 10, $ m $: 0 ~ 10.

fig = go.FigureWidget()
scatt = fig.add_scatter3d()

def update(n=2, m=3):
    with fig.batch_update():
        (cx, cy, cz) = knot(n, m)

vb = VBox((fig, interactive(update, n=(-10, 11, 1), m=(0, 10, 1))))

If the following is displayed and the knot changes at the same time as you play with the slide bar, you are successful. knot_2_3.png

4. Finally

If you don't see it, check the version around ipython. ~~ I thought it was awkward for the first post to be of a few minutes quality, so I created an extra section called review ~~

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