Schedule a Zoom meeting in Python

happy New Year. I found it awkward to book a Zoom meeting, so I wrote a program. It's a lot of work to log in, select a time, and so on. It seems easy to do with a library called pyzoom, It's difficult to use (or rather, I didn't know how to change the setting of the itchy place), so I made a class for studying.

You can get the API key and secret key from the ZOOM Marketplace.

import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime
import jwt
import time
import random
from pprint import pprint

class ZoomClient(object):
    URL = ''

    def __init__(self, key: str, secret: str, user_id: str):
        :param key:Zoom Api Key
        :param secret: Zoom Api Secret
        :param user_id: Zoom ID(mail address)
        self.key = key
        self.secret = secret
        self.user_id = user_id
        self.token = self.generate_token()

    def generate_token(self):
        header = {"alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT"}
        payload = {"iss": self.key, "exp": int(time.time() + 600)}
        return jwt.encode(payload, self.secret, algorithm='HS256', headers=header).decode('utf-8')

    def create_meeting(self, topic: str, start_time: datetime, duration_min: int,
                       pass_code: str = None, **settings: dict):

        end_point = f'/users/{self.user_id}/meetings'
        headers = {'Authorization': f"Bearer {self.token}",
                   'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

        #Passcode: If not specified, make it appropriately
        if not pass_code:
            pass_code = str(random.randint(100000, 999999))
        #Settings: Set by default
        default_setting = self.default_setting()
        #Setting: Rewrite with designation
        if settings:
            for k, v in settings.items():
                default_setting[k] = v

        body = {
            "topic": topic,
            'type': 2,  # scheduled meeting
            "start_time": start_time.isoformat(),
            "duration": duration_min,
            "timezone": "Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo",
            "password": pass_code,
            "settings": default_setting}

        response = requests.request('POST',
                                    self.URL + end_point,

        return response

    def default_setting():

        return {
            'host_video': True,  # start video when the host joins
            'participant_video': True,  # start video when the participants join
            'join_before_host': True,
            'mute_upon_entry': True,
            'approval_type': 0,  # automatically approve
            'cn_meeting': False,  # host meeting in china
            'in_meeting': False,  # host meeting in india
            'watermark': False,
            'use_pmi': False,  # personal meeting id
            'registration_type': 1,
            'audio': "voip",
            'auto_recording': "none",
            'enforce_login': False,
            'waiting_room': False,
            'registrants_email_notification': False,
            'meeting_authentication': False,
            'contact_name': "UFY",
            'contact_email': "[email protected]"}

    def invitation(self, meeting_id: int):
        end_point = f"/meetings/{meeting_id}/invitation"
        headers = {'authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.token}
        return requests.request("GET",
                                self.URL + end_point,

Let's actually schedule the meeting and display the invitation.

def job():
    api_key = 'your zoom api key'
    api_secret = 'your zoom api secret'
    user_id = 'your zoom id'  # account mail address
    client = ZoomClient(api_key, api_secret, user_id)
    day = '2021/1/5'
    start_time = '11:30'
    end_time = '15:30'
    mtg_start_time = datetime.strptime(day + ' ' + start_time, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
    mtg_end_time = datetime.strptime(day + ' ' + end_time, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
    duration_min = int((mtg_end_time - mtg_start_time).seconds / 60)

    mtg = client.create_meeting(topic='api test',
                                **{'host_video': False})
    mtg_id = mtg['id']
    invitation = client.invitation(mtg_id)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Create a meeting → Receive in json format → Extract the meeting id → Issue an invitation based on the meeting id It is a flow.

Is the output

{'invitation': 'Mr. 〇〇 is inviting you to a reserved Zoom meeting.\r\n'
               'topic: api test\r\n'
               'time:January 5, 2021 11:30 AM Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo\r\n'
               'Join a Zoom meeting\r\n'
               'Meeting ID:Generated id\r\n'
               'passcode:Generated pass code\r\n'}

There are many mysterious settings in zoom, and it has not been clarified yet. I would like to try various things.

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