Launch a Flask app in Python Anywhere


This article was created by myself and was released on the Web. The boat race triple prediction site "Is a good prediction right today? / #tab_id_youhaveniceboat_pythonanywhere_com) ”is an internal code explanation. This time, I will summarize the flow of actually launching a Web application created with Flask.

See here for creating Flask apps and other information.

PythonAnywhere may be suitable for such people!

The following people are worth considering PythonAnywhere!

I myself was originally an amateur in this area, so I was in trouble for some reason, but PythonAnywhere solved it easily .. !!

Procedure to release

Press "Start running .." and select "Free ..". After that, register an account according to the flow.

image.png image.png

image.png image.png

Like an amateur, I honestly saved it by hand. .. It seems that it can be made quite smart if you can use git.


It's so easy .. !! image.png

Be careful

Press it regularly. image.png


↓ Mysterious impression image.png


It may be highly recommended for people who have never rented a web server and do not understand how it works! !! You may be able to easily publish it online and gain an experience that will expand the world! Why not launch a Flask app sleeping on Local with Python Anywhere?

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