Prevent double launch in Python (improved version)

Previously, I wrote a version using only the lock file, but it was unpopular (?), So I made a version using the pid file. It's easy to use because it's defined as a decorator. Just do the following:

def main();

The operation is as follows.

  1. Write the pid to the pid file before starting the main process. Delete the pid file when the process is finished.
  2. If the pid process written in this pid file already has the same signature as its own process (it is recognized as the same program), it is determined that the same program is already running and started. do not do.
  3. As the signature to judge the identity of the process, use the part of the command line from the first parameter (python) and the second parameter (python file name) excluding the directory name.
  4. With this alone, there is a problem with consistency when the timing of reading and writing the pid file overlaps, so a locking mechanism is included when reading and writing the pid file. It uses a normal flock.
  5. Therefore, if the pid file terminates abnormally while reading or writing, it may not start unless the pid file is deleted manually, but it is not affected by the abnormal termination of the main process. Abnormal termination while reading and writing the pid file does not occur so often, so this is not a problem in practice.

The pid file is specified to be placed under / tmp, and security is not considered. In order to use it in production, it may be necessary to change the getSignature algorithm and the location of the pid file depending on the application.

def singleprocess(func):
    def basenameWithoutExt(path):
        return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]

    def getSignature(pid):
        processDirectory = '/proc/%d/' % (pid,)
        if os.path.isdir(processDirectory):
            args = open(processDirectory + 'cmdline').read().split("\x00")
            return [os.path.basename(args[0]), os.path.basename(args[1])]
        return None

    def filelockingcontext(path):
        open(path, "a").close() #ensure file to exist for locking
        with open(path) as lockFd:
            fcntl.flock(lockFd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
            fcntl.flock(lockFd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        pidFilePath = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/' + basenameWithoutExt(sys.argv[0]) + '.pid'
        with filelockingcontext(pidFilePath):
            runningPid = ""
            with open(pidFilePath) as readFd:
                runningPid =
            if runningPid != "" and getSignature(int(runningPid)) == getSignature(os.getpid()) is not None:
                print("process already exists", file=sys.stderr)
            with open(pidFilePath, "w") as writeFd:
            func(*args, **kwargs)
            with filelockingcontext(pidFilePath):
    return wrapper

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