I created a font called M + A1 in Python based on M + FONTS. (https://microraptor.booth.pm/items/2347968) I will explain the procedure to read and write fonts programmatically with the meaning of memorandum and missionary work.
--My environment
Since OTF (OpenType) cannot be read suddenly, write it in UFO (Unified Font Object) format and then read the file to create OTF.
What is a UFO? It will be, but it is not difficult. It's just an xml file. The control points of the Bezier curves that make up the font data are exported as xml.
OTF -> UFO Create a Font object with defcon and write it to OTF-> UFO with extractUFO.
import defcon
import extractor
IMPORT_FILE = r'C:\example\abc.otf'
EXPORT_FILE = r'C:\example\abc_ufo'
font = defcon.Font()
extractor.extractUFO(IMPORT_FILE, font)
Exporting is done in a few seconds for Western typefaces and in a few minutes for Japanese typefaces.
lib.plist and contents.plist are similar files, so you can refer to either one. (Lib.plist does not have a font name and font file associated with each other, but the font name is also written in each .gilf. Contents.plist exists in a large number of .gilf, so it is troublesome to find it. I think it doesn't matter which one.)
import os
import defcon
import ufo2ft
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
# Const
UFO_FILE = r'C:\example\abc_ufo'
GLIF_PATH = os.path.join(UFO_FILE, 'glyphs')
font = defcon.Font()
#Select the character to edit
glif_root = ET.parse(os.path.join(GLIF_PATH, 'a.glif'))
glyph = font.newGlyph('a')
glyph.unicode = int(glif_root.find('.//unicode').attrib['hex'], 16)
contour_list = glif_root.findall('.//contour')
#From glif file<contour>Subordinate<point>Read tags sequentially
for tag_contour in contour_list:
contour = defcon.Contour()
point_list = tag_contour.findall('./point')
for k, v in enumerate(point_list):
# <point>None if type is not defined in
_type = v.attrib['type'] if 'type' in v.attrib else None
#Set points
(int(v.attrib['x']), int(v.attrib['y'])),
#Set the contour for one lap
#Export to OTF
otf = ufo2ft.compileOTF(font)
This will output a font file with only "a" set. You can create an original font by manipulating the path and then writing.
UFO Official: https://unifiedfontobject.org/ DEFCON : https://defcon.robotools.dev/en/latest/ https://qiita.com/irori/items/5518c242e0244838783b https://blog.hgrs.me/20190806022544 https://irori.github.io/wapuro-mincho/
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