Write a short property definition in Python

The code that normally defines a property with @ property is long

In Python, you can define properties by using the property decorator as follows. As an example, a User class with properties named name and email can be defined as follows:

class User:

    def __init__(self, *, name=None, email=None):
        self.__name = name
        self.__email = email

    def name(self):
        return self.__name

    def name(self, name):
        self.__name = name

    def email(self):
        return self.__email

    def email(self, email):
        self.__email = email

You can write the property value as user.name and the value setting as user.name =" Taro ".

user = User(name="taro", email="[email protected]")
print(user.name) # => "taro"
user.name = "Taro"
print(user.name) # => "Taro"

There is nothing that feels annoying to the user of the User class, but from the perspective of the user class definer, it is annoying because you have to write as many similar codes as there are properties.

Create a helper function that defines a property

Therefore, define the following helper function.

def define_property(self, name, value=None):
    # "_User__name"Name after mangling.
    field_name = "_{}__{}".format(self.__class__.__name__, name)

    #Set the initial value.
    setattr(self, field_name, value)

    # getter/Generate setter,Define properties.
    getter = lambda _: getattr(self, field_name)
    setter = lambda _, value: setattr(self, field_name, value)
    setattr(self.__class__, name, property(getter, setter))

With this, the definition of the User class can be shortened as follows.

class User:
    def __init__(self, *, name=None, email=None):
        define_property(self, "name", name)
        define_property(self, "email", email)

define_propertyCould significantly reduce the amount of code,nameOremailI feel redundant when I write multiple times.

Create a decorator for the constructor

So let's create a decorator for the constructor.

def define_properties(*names):
    def decorator(constructor):
        def wrapper(self, **kwargs):
            for name in names:
                define_property(self, name, kwargs.get(name))
            constructor(self, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
    return decorator

define_propertiesYou can use to rewrite the user class as follows:

class User:
    @define_properties("name", "email")
    def __init__(self):

Redundancy is gone. It will be completed with a little more improvement.

Completed form

To make it a little more convenient, make the following changes:

The modified code is as follows.


def define_property(self, name, value=None, readable=True, writable=True):
    # "_User__name"Name after mangling.
    field_name = "_{}__{}".format(self.__class__.__name__, name)

    #Set the initial value.
    setattr(self, field_name, value)

    # getter/Generate setter,Define properties.
    getter = (lambda self: getattr(self, field_name)) if readable else None
    setter = (lambda self, value: setattr(self, field_name, value)) if writable else None
    setattr(self.__class__, name, property(getter, setter))

def define_properties(constructor=None, *, accessible=(), readable=(), writable=()):
    if callable(constructor):
        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            for name, value in kwargs.items():
                define_property(self, name, value)
            constructor(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
        to_set = lambda x: set(x) if any(isinstance(x, type_) for type_ in (set, list, tuple)) else {x}
        accessibles = to_set(accessible)
        readables = accessibles | to_set(readable)
        writables = accessibles | to_set(writable)

        def decorator(constructor):
            def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
                for name in (readables | writables):
                    readable = name in readables
                    writable = name in writables
                    initial_value = kwargs.get(name, None)
                    define_property(self, name, initial_value, readable, writable)
                constructor_kwargs = dict([(key, kwargs[key]) for key in (constructor.__kwdefaults__ or {}) if key in kwargs])
                constructor(self, *args, **constructor_kwargs)
            return wrapper
        return decorator

The test code is as follows.


import unittest
from define_property import *

class DefinePropertyTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_initial_value(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self, *, name=None, email=None):
                define_property(self, "name", name)
                define_property(self, "email", email)

        user = User()
        taro = User(name="taro", email="[email protected]")
        self.assertEqual(None, user.name)
        self.assertEqual(None, user.email)
        self.assertEqual("taro", taro.name)
        self.assertEqual("[email protected]", taro.email)

    def test_accessor(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self, *, name=None):
                define_property(self, "name", name)

        taro = User(name="taro")
        self.assertEqual("taro", taro.name)
        taro.name = "Taro"
        self.assertEqual("Taro", taro.name)

    def test_readable(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self, *, name=None, email=None):
                define_property(self, "name", name, readable=True)
                define_property(self, "email", email, readable=False)

        taro = User(name="taro", email="[email protected]")
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

    def test_writable(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self, *, name=None, email=None):
                define_property(self, "name", name, writable=True)
                define_property(self, "email", email, writable=False)

        taro = User(name="taro", email="[email protected]")
        taro.name = "Taro"
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            taro.email = "[email protected]"

    def test_not_accessible(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self, *, name=None, email=None):
                define_property(self, "name", name, readable=False)
                define_property(self, "email", email, readable=False)

        taro = User(name="taro", email="[email protected]")
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

    def test_access_by_other_method(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self, *, name=None, email=None):
                define_property(self, "name", name)
            def get_name(self):
                return self.__name

        taro = User(name="taro")
        self.assertEqual("taro", taro.get_name())

class DefinePropertiesTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_no_arguments(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self, *, name=None, email=None):

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        User(name="taro", email="[email protected]").email

    def test_initial_value(self):
        class User:
            @define_properties(accessible=("name", "email"))
            def __init__(self, *, name=None, email=None):
                if name != None:
                    self.__name = self.name.upper()
                if email != None:
                    self.__email = self.email.upper()

        user = User()
        self.assertEqual(None, user.name)
        self.assertEqual(None, user.email)

        taro = User(name="taro", email="[email protected]")
        self.assertEqual("TARO", taro.name)
        self.assertEqual("[email protected]", taro.email)

    def test_accessible_with_no_arguments(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self):

        user = User()
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

    def test_accessible_with_string_argument(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self):

        user = User()
        self.assertEqual(None, user.name)
        user.name = "jiro"
        self.assertEqual("jiro", user.name)

        user = User(name="taro")
        self.assertEqual("taro", user.name)
        user.name = "jiro"
        self.assertEqual("jiro", user.name)

    def test_accessible_with_tuple_argument(self):
        class User:
            @define_properties(accessible=("name", "email"))
            def __init__(self):

        user = User()
        self.assertEqual(None, user.name)
        self.assertEqual(None, user.email)
        user.name = "jiro"
        user.email = "[email protected]"
        self.assertEqual("jiro", user.name)
        self.assertEqual("[email protected]", user.email)

        user = User(name="taro", email="[email protected]")
        self.assertEqual("taro", user.name)
        self.assertEqual("[email protected]", user.email)
        user.name = "jiro"
        user.email = "[email protected]"
        self.assertEqual("jiro", user.name)
        self.assertEqual("[email protected]", user.email)

    def test_readable_with_no_arguments(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self):

        user = User()
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

    def test_readable_with_string_argument(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self):

        user = User()
        self.assertEqual(None, user.name)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            user.name = "jiro"

        user = User(name="taro")
        self.assertEqual("taro", user.name)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            user.name = "jiro"

    def test_readable_with_tuple_argument(self):
        class User:
            @define_properties(readable=("name", "email"))
            def __init__(self):

        user = User()
        self.assertEqual(None, user.name)
        self.assertEqual(None, user.email)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            user.name = "jiro"
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            user.email = "[email protected]"

        user = User(name="taro", email="[email protected]")
        self.assertEqual("taro", user.name)
        self.assertEqual("[email protected]", user.email)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            user.name = "jiro"
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            user.email = "[email protected]"

    def test_writable_with_no_arguments(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self):

        user = User()
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        user.name = "taro"

    def test_writable_with_string_argument(self):
        class User:
            def __init__(self):

        user = User()
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        user.name = "jiro"

        user = User(name="taro")
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        user.name = "jiro"

    def test_writable_with_tuple_argument(self):
        class User:
            @define_properties(writable=("name", "email"))
            def __init__(self):

        user = User()
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        user.name = "jiro"
        user.email = "[email protected]"

        user = User(name="taro", email="[email protected]")
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        user.name = "jiro"
        user.email = "[email protected]"

if __name__ == "__main__":

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