Create a binary file in Python

How to create a small binary file in Python.


import struct

def main():    
    with open("data", "wb") as fout:        
        for x in [0xFF, 0x12, 0x89]:            
            fout.write(struct.pack("B", x))

if __name__ == "__main__":    

Let's check the contents of the file created by the hexdump command.

% hexdump data
0000000 ff 12 89

You can make it without any problems.

(Addition 2013-09-07)

shiracamus told me about bytearray in the comments. This is easier because you don't need to import.


def main():
    with open("data", "wb") as fout:
        bary = bytearray([0xFF, 0x12, 0x89])
        bary.extend([1, 127])

if __name__ == "__main__":

This is the execution result of hexdump.

% hexdump data
0000000 ff 12 89 00 01 7f

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