Create a dummy data file

You can create a lot of dummy data using the faker module.


pip install fake-factory

Create a dummy data file

This time id, 10 digits, 10 words Create a csv file in the format like.

from faker import Factory
import csv

with open("dummy_data.csv", "w+") as f:

    csv_writer = csv.writer(f)
    fake = Factory.create()

    for i in range(10000):
        l = [fake.md5(), fake.random_number(10)]

When you do this


You can get a csv like that Convenient

The dummy data that can be created looks like this

fake.address                    fake.null_boolean
fake.am_pm                      fake.numerify
fake.boolean                    fake.opera
fake.bothify                    fake.paragraph                         fake.paragraphs
fake.building_number            fake.parse
fake.catch_phrase               fake.phone_number
fake.century                    fake.postcode                     fake.prefix                       fake.provider
fake.city_prefix                fake.providers
fake.city_suffix                fake.pybool                    fake.pydecimal
fake.company_email              fake.pydict
fake.company_suffix             fake.pyfloat                    fake.pyint
fake.country_code               fake.pyiterable
fake.credit_card_expire         fake.pylist
fake.credit_card_full           fake.pyset
fake.credit_card_number         fake.pystr
fake.credit_card_provider       fake.pystruct
fake.credit_card_security_code  fake.pytuple                       fake.random_digit
fake.date_time                  fake.random_digit_not_null
fake.date_time_ad               fake.random_element
fake.date_time_between          fake.random_int
fake.date_time_this_century     fake.random_letter
fake.date_time_this_decade      fake.random_number
fake.date_time_this_month       fake.randomize_nb_elements
fake.date_time_this_year        fake.safari
fake.day_of_month               fake.safe_email
fake.day_of_week                fake.secondary_address
fake.domain_name                fake.seed
fake.domain_word                fake.sentence                      fake.sentences
fake.firefox                    fake.sha1
fake.first_name                 fake.sha256
fake.format                     fake.slug
fake.free_email                 fake.state
fake.free_email_domain          fake.state_abbr
fake.geo_coordinate             fake.street_address
fake.get_formatter              fake.street_name
fake.get_providers              fake.street_suffix
fake.internet_explorer          fake.suffix
fake.ipv4                       fake.text
fake.ipv6                       fake.time
fake.iso8601                    fake.timezone
fake.language_code              fake.tld
fake.last_name                  fake.unix_time
fake.latitude                   fake.uri
fake.lexify                     fake.uri_extension
fake.linux_platform_token       fake.uri_page
fake.linux_processor            fake.uri_path
fake.locale                     fake.url
fake.longitude                  fake.user_agent
fake.mac_platform_token         fake.user_name
fake.mac_processor              fake.windows_platform_token
fake.md5                        fake.word
fake.mime_type                  fake.words
fake.month                      fake.year

It covers most of the addresses, names, credit card numbers, dates, etc.

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