Python script to create a JSON file from a CSV file

It is easy to create a CSV file using a spreadsheet (such as Excel) manually to create a lot of data with the same item. However, when I pass it to another tool, I sometimes have to use a JSON file, so I made a Python script to use in that case. I needed JSON-formatted data to run Python unittests in a data-driven manner.

Python unittest DDT > Example usage

Premise of use

OS : Windows Python : v3.5.1



The JSON file is indented so that it has a layout that is easy for people to read. When I put a Japanese comment, I didn't put it because an encoding error occurred in the json.dumps line at runtime. (I couldn't solve it myself, so I put it on hold. I wonder if all of Linux and Mac will not give an error in UTF-8.)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import csv
import json
import sys, os, codecs

argvs = sys.argv
for csv_file_path in argvs:
    if csv_file_path == __file__:
    with, 'r', 'shift_jis') as f:
        json_reader = csv.reader(f)
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(csv_file_path))
        with + '_datapool.json', 'w', 'shift_jis') as json_file:
            out = json.dumps([line_json for i, line_json in enumerate(json_reader) if i > 0] ,ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, sort_keys=False, separators=(',', ': '))

How to use

Execute the above script file with the csv file as an argument. (Multiple specifications allowed)

>python csv_file1.csv

The JSON file example that is created is as follows.


        "Test 1",
        "Test 2"
        "Tesuto 1",
        "Street fighter 2"


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