"Python Kit" that calls a Python script from Swift

You can run Python scripts from Swift using PythonKit. This allows you to develop Mac apps that run Python scripts. (Does not work on iOS) スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 13.58.08.png

  1. Open your Xcode project. Go to "file-> Swift Packages-> Add Package Dependency". Copy and paste the Package Dependency URL from the PythonKit GitHub repository (https://github.com/pvieito/PythonKit). スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 12.21.49.png

  2. Select Branch: master. スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 12.25.27.png

  3. Create a Python file. For example, I wrote "example.py". ↓


def hello():
    print("Hello PythonKit")
  1. Make the following settings in the Xcode project settings "TARGETS → Signing & Capabilities". · Access files on your Mac instead of the app sandbox -Disable library validation スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 12.34.06.png

  2. Call the Python file from the view controller.


override func viewDidLoad() {
    let sys = Python.import("sys")
    sys.path.append("/Users/mlboy/PythonTest/") // example.Path to the directory where py is
    let example = Python.import("example") //Import python file
    example.hello() //Call a Python function

Check the Xcode console. The Python file will be executed and the "Hello Python Kit" will be printed. スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 12.54.29.png

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