A python script that deletes ._DS_Store and ._ * files created on Mac


If you connect a portable HDD or USB memory to a Mac and then connect to Windows or Linux, I notice that a lot of ._ [existing file names] like .DS_Store and metafiles of existing files are created. These files are smaller than the sector size of the file system, so thousands of files can waste a few GB. That was exactly what it was.

On Linux, you can delete it with ``` find. -Name" ._ * "-exec rm -f {} ;` `` Even if I try to search for ._ * with Windows explorer and delete it, it is very difficult to delete because ordinary files and directories that are not ._ * are caught.

So I tried to make a script with python easily for those who are in trouble and myself. In addition, since we do not perform strict file checks, there is a possibility that files that should not be deleted will be deleted, so please use this script at your own risk.

import os
import sys
import shutil

def deldirs(baseDir):
  print "Start " + baseDir
  ds = [baseDir]
  while True:
    if len(ds) == 0:
      print "Finished!!"
    # Pop next target dir
    d = ds.pop(0)
    # Delete file
    fs = os.listdir(d)
    for fn in fs:
      fp = d + "/" +fn
      if fn[:2] == "._" or fn == ".DS_Store":
        if os.path.isfile(fp):
          print "Del File " + fp
      #elif os.path.isdir(fp):
      #    print "Del Dir " + fp
      #    shutil.rmtree(fp)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print "Usage: delmacfile.py TARGET_DIR"
  baseDir = sys.argv[1]
  if os.path.isdir(baseDir) == False:
    print "Please arg1 is a TAGET_DIR"

There seems to be a way to do it with Windows commands, but it is for Python lovers.

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