When comparing Windows and Linux, what I dislike is the terminal emulator, which is difficult to use. So, this time, I will use ConEmu instead. Also, I want to use bash after all, so let's include this as well. Also, make sure you have Python and some packages available.
Just download it from here and poke around.
$ pacman --needed -Sy bash pacman pacman-mirrors msys2-runtime
$ exit
$ pacman -Su
Let's keep it
Download it from here and click it. Since there is no msys bash session as it is, register the command "c: \ msys64 \ usr \ bin \ bash.exe" --login -i in settings> startup> tasks. If you want to make it the default, select it from settings> startup with specified named task.
However, at this rate, ctrl -l did not work in my environment, so
"\C-l": "echo -en '\\0033\\0143'\n"
It was made. However, if you do this, ctrl -l will not work with programs that use readline other than bash, so I want a nice hand.
Poke it with pacman or drop it from here. I didn't like to rely on MSYS, so I dropped it from the official. If you use official python, you can't use libncurses
$ pip install pyreadline
I will leave it as. Also, when using pip, if you can not build the package due to lack of header etc., you can drop it from here. is. Also in my environment I had to put the path in bashrc.
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