The work of storing the data logged on the local PC on the SSD was constantly occurring. The work had the following two problems.
To solve the above problem, I thought about automating with Python.
Remarks ・ Python 3.6.6
It works according to the following flow.
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import shutil
import datetime
import threading
import traceback
def disp_copying_file_num(fnum, despath): # task1:Output the progress of file movement to the console
if os.path.exists(despath): #If the destination folder already exists
despath = despath + 'tmp' #Set the destination folder name with another name for the time being
acfnum = 1 #Number of files already copied
fflg = 1 #Flags that indicate when copying the first file
while acfnum < fnum: #If not all files have been copied, the file number being copied is output to the console until the end of copying.
if len(os.listdir(despath)) > acfnum or fflg: #When the number of files being copied increases
print(str(fnum) + "Of the file" + str(len(os.listdir(despath))) + "Copying the second ...")
fflg = 0 #Output to console only if you are copying the first file
acfnum = len(os.listdir(despath)) #Update the number of files being copied
def move_files_with_folder(file_from, file_to): # task2:Move files
shutil.copytree(file_from, file_to) #Copy file
shutil.rmtree(file_from) #Delete the source file
def move_only_files(file_from_pc, file_from_ssd, file_to): # task2:Move files
files = os.listdir(file_from_pc) #Update the list of files to be copied
shutil.copytree(file_from_pc, file_from_ssd) #Copy the file to SSD once as a tmp folder
for i in range(len(files)): #Move the data in the tmp folder one by one
if not os.path.exists(file_to + '/' + files[i]): #If there is no file with the same name in the destination
shutil.move(file_from_ssd + '/' + files[i], file_to) #Move files
else: #If there is a file with the same name in the destination
print('「' + files[i] + 'Is already stored in the file move destination folder.')
shutil.rmtree(file_from_ssd) #Delete the source file
shutil.rmtree(file_from_pc) #Delete the copy source file
def get_ssd_path(): #Get the path of SSD connected to PC
drv = ['D:/', 'E:/', 'F:/', 'G:/']
ssd = ['SSD_1', 'SSD_2', 'SSD_3', 'SSD_4'] #Files to identify SSD, etc.
for i in range(len(ssd)):
for j in range(len(drv)):
if os.path.exists(drv[j] + ssd[i]):
return drv[j]
return 0
def main():
opath = "C:/Users/○○/Desktop/" #Copy source path
dpath = get_ssd_path() #Copy destination path
if dpath: #When SSD is connected
header = 'soft_' #A character string other than the version number in the file name
files = os.listdir(opath) #List of files to be copied
filevers = [0] * len(files) #list type initialization
#Extract only the version number of the copy target folder
for i in range(len(files)):
#Excludes folders other than the target folder county
if len(files[i]) >= len(header) + 4:
#Except for those with alphabets in the version number
if not bool('[a-zA-Z_]+', files[i][len(header):len(header) + 4])):
#Stores only the version number of the copy target folder
filevers[i] = int(files[i][len(header):len(header) + 4])
#The highest version number(= New)Set folder as copy target
ofilepath = opath + header + str(max(filevers)) + '/logging data'
date = str('-', '')
dfilepath = dpath + date #Copy destination path setting
#Multi-thread setting task1:Output the progress of file movement to the console task2:Move files
task1 = threading.Thread(target=disp_copying_file_num, args=([len(os.listdir(ofilepath)), dfilepath]))
if os.listdir(ofilepath): #If there are files to move
if os.path.exists(dfilepath): #When a file dated today exists in the copy destination (= copy from the second time onward today)
print('Folder that already exists "' + date + 'Move the data to.\n')
task2 = threading.Thread(target=move_only_files, args=([ofilepath, dfilepath + 'tmp', dfilepath]))
else: #When the file dated today does not exist in the copy destination (= copy for the first time today)
print('folder"' + date + 'To move the data.\n')
task2 = threading.Thread(target=move_files_with_folder, args=([ofilepath, dfilepath]))
os.mkdir(opath + header + str(max(filevers)) + '/logging data') #Move to SSD and restore lost folder
print('\n The file move is complete.\n')
print('There are no files to move.\n')
print('SSD is not connected to your computer.\n')
except Exception as e:
allerr = ''
msg = traceback.format_exc()
tmp = msg
for i in range(msg.count('", line ')): #Extract the location where the error occurred
startnum = tmp.find('", line ', len('", line '), len(tmp)) # 'i'The first'line'Set to start where there is
tmp = tmp[startnum:len(tmp)] # 'i'The first'line'Extract from to the end
errnum = tmp[len('", line '):tmp.find(', in ')] # 'i'The first'Number of lines where an error occurred'Extract
allerr = allerr + errnum #Added the number of lines where an error occurred
if not i == (msg.count('", line ') - 1): #Separate the number of error lines with a comma
allerr = allerr + ', '
errtitle = str(type(e)).replace('class ', '') #Error summary
errdtl = str(e.args).replace('("', '').replace('",)', '') #Error details
print('An error has occurred. Please contact the developer.\nTEL: 090-0000-0000\n')
print('Where the error occurred:' + allerr)
print('Error message:' + errtitle + ' ' + errdtl)
os.system('PAUSE') #Stop the console at the end of the process
if __name__ == "__main__":
・ If there are multiple files to move, I want to know how many of them have been copied. → Using multithreading, one side monitors the file movement and the other side monitors the destination folder and outputs the number of files being copied to the console.
・ If you fail to move the file, you are worried that the data you tried to move will be lost. → Strictly speaking, moving the file was handled by copying and deleting the original file. (Take into account if the destination SSD file system is FAT instead of NTFS)
・ I want to be able to respond immediately to problems such as errors. → The whole is covered by try / except exception handling, and when an error occurs, the location, content, and developer contact information of the error are output to the console.
In particular, I was indebted to the following sites. Thank you very much.
Contents | Link destination |
Parallel processing (multithreading) | |
Precautions when using tkinter in other threads | |
Get the line number where the error occurred | |
Thank you to everyone who made comments and suggestions. As for this article, if you point out any improvements or mistakes, we will make your pillow wet and we will be happy.
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