I made a toolsver that spits out OS, Python, modules and tool versions to Markdown

When I'm searching on the Internet, I'm okay with old articles and versions that are different from the current ones, and I often get addicted to it without knowing it. I wondered if I could become.

However, since we use Spotlight to check the version to search for applications, it can only be used on Mac OS X. The version of the application is shown because I thought it would be interesting if it reflected the developer's commitment and trends, but it is not easy to use because it can not be supplemented unless it has the correct name.


For example, a Markdown file with the following content will be created

2014-03-16 02:52:16.838725 Python 3.3.3 OS
ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.9.2 BuildVersion: 13C64
autopep8 (1.0) pep8 (1.4.6) pip (1.5.4) setuptools (3.2)

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